I'm gone for around 5 days and I have over 250 posts to go through on my flist!? (okay, so at least 100 of them are from
topicless, but hello...) ::rips out hair::
now I'm going away until friday (again) for my senior trip, HELLZ YEAH, so I won't be active for awhile... (to canada and niagra falls of all places? srsly? everyone's been there.)
and oh the joy; I'm going with someone who used to be my best friend, and now acts like he hates my guts. I swear he's like one of the most spiteful people ever, and I GREW UP WITH MY MOTHER, I KNOW SPITEFUL DAMNIT. it wouldn't be so bad, but because of our relationship, now all of my friends are really good friends with him, (if you're reading this, don't kid yourself, you know most of the reason you're such good friends with rachel and dina and ilana is because we were always together at first, and you destroyed a really good thing that you had with leora, because you're pissed at me. way to go.) and I can't hang out without him being there. and if he is there, he'll make up some excuse to leave or be nasty to me when I try to talk to him... I'm going to miss you all so much while I'm gone! T___T need cookies. or some platinum pair fluff. I want a fluff fic waiting when I get back. (jk, though it or a rec would be nice)
baby steps. little baby steps. he's not overtly ignoring me anymore...
I'm sorry if the spelling and other sucks, I'm too aggrivated to deal with my inner editor and spell check at the moment, and I have to finish packing... we leave at 11, but I have graduation choir practice from 7ish to 9ish, blech.