meme's ahoy!

May 15, 2008 09:10

meme from 
a1y_puff :

Comment and I'll give you a letter; then you have to list 10 things you love that begin with that letter. Afterward, post this in your journal and give out some letters of your own.
She gave me "M"

1. Masaharu Niou (I know that's the english way of writing it, but I still love him)
2. Mamoru Chiba (from sailor moon)
3. musicals (as in, on broadway)
4. myus (as in seramyu, tenimyu, etc...)
5. music
6. mermaids
7. Marla (my name)
8. Monty Python
9. Milky Ways (the candy bar)
10. MANGA!
So peoples, if you want the meme, do tell me in your comments and I'll give you a letter!

feel the love!

so being a senior with all my APs done (YUS!), I only have my judaic studies classes left, (meaning there are only two or three periods in which I have classes every day) and since the tuition is insane, I might as well stay for lunch... so I pretty much have every single afternoon free... unless I have a game... hence the reason I am usually able to post here at all hours of the day... it rox!

school, taking over the world, meme

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