Short version: not dead

Jan 21, 2014 12:53

So recently (read: a few months ago *cough*) I downloaded a gba emulator onto my iphone and got reobsessed with playing pokémon, (in my defense, this time it was Emerald, and it's different from Ruby and Sapphire, so... yeah), and one thing about the games is that, in-game, the player character is supposed to be about 10 years-old. Fine, whatever, I don't need to be voting or drinking or idek, but sometimes it's probably better that I'm underage because I'd probably get myself arrested for public indecency.
Anyways, my point is that these others NPCs all think you're a 10-year-old child so they'll come up to you all "pssh, I won't lose to a kid!" or "what's this kid doing here, let me share my vast wealth of knowledge with you," or "aww, you'll be easy to beat because you're a kid," or "how did a child like you foil my plans!?  I'VE NEVER EVEN HEARD OF SCOOBY DOO ASDFGHJKL!" And I'm like, "bitch, who you calling a 'kid'!? I've been playing Pokémon since before you were even a pixel in your creators' eyes! Oh, and what is this, the 81st time I'm defeating you?" (yes, I get really invested in these games.) And it annoys me because unless you've linked up with RL friends, it's all being chocked up to luck and the "great bond you have with your pokémon," rather than the fact that I'm just really fucking awesome at it.

So yeah, that's what I've been doing with my time lately. XP

Also LOL, today was supposed to be my first day back for classes after winter break, but my college is closed for snow. HA HA, BEST; GOING BACK TO SLEEP NOW. 

fandom whatever, suck it npcs, i just have a lot of ~feelings~, pokemon

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