Purimgifts 2013! *\o/*

Feb 01, 2013 12:43

Non-sequitur: my new year's resolution was to be more active on my lj/dw...

~Now on to business!~

Dear purimgifts author,

...I love you...
As usual, I'm pretty easygoing when it comes to fanfic, as long as the ending is happy and my ships aren't broken up (or they get back together), though I do love the angst. And crack. Even if it takes me a few months to comment back, I will always eventually read fic that was written for me. HERE is the tag where you can find my previous purimgifts request letters, and my likes/wants have generally stayed the same. Jewfic is always a plus.

In terms of TV spoilers, I'm gonna say that anything that aired in January 2013 (or earlier, obvs) is fair game, but anything that airs in February I may not have seen.

You can write genfic or OCs, and I'll be totally fine with that as well, but here are some pairings that I do not want broken up, if applicable, and other things of note:
  • Hunger Games-- Finnick/Annie, Katniss/Peeta; as long as these two pairings, if mentioned, are not split up, I'll love it. But feel free to otherwise go crazy in the HG 'verse.
  • MCU-- Loki/Thor (I know this probably won't be relevant, but if you end up writing fic that happens to have Thor and/or the Avengers in it, I don't want Thor paired with anyone else please), Erik/Charles; I haven't seen either Hulk movie though, so I don't know if I'll be able to appreciate fic written about it. I loves me some Darcy. Also, Coulson lives and Mystique is awesome.
  • Once-- Snow/Charming, Rumpelstiltskin/Belle, Regina/redemption; I've also a fondness for Emma/Regina and Emma/Sebastian Stan!Jefferson, so yes please if you want to include either of those
  • Sailor Moon-- Usagi/Mamoru, Haruka/Michiru, optional: Rei/Minako :D?
  • Grey's Anatomy-- Derek/Meredith, Callie/Arizona, Christina/Owen (yes, I know they're going through some issues, but I prefer them together) Denny/Izzy; I don't care that he's dead and she's not even on the show anymore, I love them together sfm.
  • Disney Princesses-- I'm a fan of the established canon pairings, and The Little Mermaid is my favorite
  • Doctor Who-- Amy/Rory; I love River Song like whoa, I don't get Martha/Mickey, but the only pairing I really detest is Jack/Ten
  • Community-- though I do like Jeff/Annie, I know it squicks some people, and I don't have a serious investment in the ship
  • Tamora Pierce's Tortall-- I'm a fan of the established canon pairings, though know that I have not finished the Beka Cooper series
  • Charmed-- Piper/Leo, I don't really follow the comics/season 9/whatever, just the show itself.
Oh my god this is so much and I'm so sorry; I'm almost done, I promise!
  • though it's not on my list, I also like Glee. The reason I haven't requested it is because I stopped watching after season 3, and I don't want someone to be matched up with me, look at the above wall of text, say "holy... screw it!", and still be limited because the only thing they want to write is Glee. As long as knowledge of season 4 isn't completely necessary, and Brittany+Santana aren't broken up, it's all good.
Thank you and chag sameach!

fanfiction stuff, purimgifts

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