Behold! the Science Dork!

Jan 30, 2008 13:33

I am such a science geek, it's nuts. not only do comics like this:

I actually started cracking up once I got to the last panel. for those of you who don't know/remember, tin is written as Sn on the periodic table of elements (Sn + apple...)


I'm currently taking physics also, and look at the music I was just listening to...

(nope, not done yet,) this:


and this:

yes. thay are coming.

make me die laughing, but I get them...I find science stuff in everything. My ap chem teacher made an analogy comparing screening/orbital placment by core electrons in atoms to seating in a theater, and how it's better to sit in the front of the second level (the S shell) than the back of the mezzanine (the P shell) and then my friend makes a comment how when he saw Spring Awakening he was al the way in the back of the mezzanine, and couldn't see the top of the stage, and my first thought? SCREENING BY ELECTRONS! oy. but I love being a science dork, I was even "lovingly" referred to as such by my campers.

science dork, funny, science, school, thoughts

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