Jun 17, 2011 13:51

This is the third time I've attempted to listen to Disc 1 (of 5) of The Red Necklace audiobook. Things I can tell you about what happens in it it: it's historic fiction, there's magic, a guy who can't die, and a dwarf. I think. And I can't listen to it on public transportation because I keep making orgasm hilarious faces in reaction to Tom Hiddleston's voice, and I don't even like historic fiction.

Here's a quick explanation on how hard I'm fangirling over Hiddles: I haven't fangirled this hard over anyone since Gareth David-Lloyd, and before then, since Orlando Bloom. Yeah. I'm probably going to end up seeing 'Midnight in Paris' because he's in it, even though I know he's only in it for about ten minutes, and otherwise, that movie doesn't interest me at all. Non-believer is shunned, whatever.

So I had eldarwannabe  ask me 5 questions (I honestly wanted to see what she would come up with because we know each other so well), and let me know in the comments if you want your own five from me. Eventually.

1. What happened over this last semester that I totally missed that I should totally know about?

image Click to view

Okay, I'm totally lying about that, but I did, however, finally make some college friends! ::drunken giraffe:: I'm pretty sure that anything notable that happened to me over the past 6 months I either told you or blogged about. (Because I can't think of anything)

ASAP QURL, ASAP. We must skype about this.
...I was actually thinking next weekend, and then we could hijack Jon and see Green Lantern y/y? (I was planning on calling you tomorrow night)

3. River Song vs. Batman. Go
I hate you. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? If you're asking who I like better, River Song, no question, if you're asking who would win, then I don't know. Because River has Time Lord DNA or something BUT BATMAN CAN BREATHE IN SPACE. D':

4. So, how cool was it watching the Glee episode that you saw filmed? HOW COOL?
SO EFFING COOL. So I invited an old friend of mine out to visit me that day and we liveblogged/videochatted the episode together. However, I think what we saw filmed was about 5 seconds. We were there for 3 hours. XD

5. What are you doing to survive until Doctor Who returns to us???!!!??

...and summer classes :( Though actually since I'm taking a science class for both summer sessions, I don't really have all that much time to think about other stuff. It almost works in my benefit because I have my Saturday night Doctor Who hour to dick around for myself...

(FWIW, I filled these out almost as soon as I got them, however I had just posted, and then I had no time)

superheroes, tom hiddleston is a life ruiner, me myself and i, meme, glee, doctor who, orlando bloom, my ongoing girlcrush on river song, gareth david-lloyd

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