Nov 03, 2014 22:19
Total after today is 4507, which is an average of 1502 a day. A little closer to the 1667 per day goal, so I'm feeling pretty okay.
I will start keeping track of exactly how many words I do per day, instead of just the average, as soon as I stop editing what I've already written ^^;
When I was reading through my old writing, stuff from when I was in my early 20s, I discovered I'd written this on the inside cover of one of my notebooks.
Do Not try for a final draft
Do Not try to be overly detailed
Do Not try to write it all in one sitting
Do Not try to be coherent or make sense
Do Not get frustrated
Do Not get discouraged
Do Not get overly proud of yourself
Do Not try to keep it in order
Do Not try to spell correctly
Do Not worry about contractions
think - write - think again
Some of that is pretty good advice to myself that I need to keep in mind as I'm doing this NaNoWriMo thing. Especially the stuff about trying for a final draft. I wasted time editing today when I should have been just writing. I'll strive to keep that in mind.
(And if anyone is wondering why I had to tell myself to not worry about contractions - the species of people in my story don't use contractions in their speech, and when I was writing by hand 20 some years ago, using contractions was a hard habit to break. I used to get really annoyed with myself and I did a lot of furious scribbling correcting until I trained myself to not use them. I still sometimes slip up, in fact a @#$%ing contraction was one of the things I edited today).
cyrian writing