Here's a potentially interesting development. A few weeks ago, the manager from my former place of employment - the Alaska Bead Company - stopped into the fabric store by chance with a friend. She didn't know I worked there, but was pleasantly surprised to see me and we had a really nice chat while her friend shopped. Then, the week before
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Comments 3
Yeah, I'm not in the loop either with my family, and it sucks, especially since it's been that way my whole life. Most everyone is in Pennsylvania, and my parents and I are in Texas. What annoys me most is that my parents are in the loop, but they don't tell ME anything. ><;;;
BTW, I'm not sure if you've gotten the e-mails I sent to you, but I received your package. Since details are in the e-mails (I almost didn't get it, I feel like), I'll just state again that I LOOOOVE the gifts, and thank you oh so much!! *huggles*
I also hope your dad's call is nothing bad. *hugs* It's sometimes amazing how, in this age of instant, effortless communication, we can leave our family out of the loop so completely.
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