As some of you know, both my husband and I were sick last week. Just a real bad spring cold that wouldn't let go. I am lucky it hasn't seemed to have developed into my annual pneumonia, but it was especially tough on Dino because he has a weird inner ear imbalance that pops up from time to time when he gets sick or sleeps wrong or whatnot, so he was unable to even move his head without getting dizzy and nauseous. Needless to say, neither of us felt like doing much of anything most of the week, so that is why I'm behind on replies and such. Did play some Sims, because that doesn't require much effort or strain, and yelling at them makes me feel better.
So, Sunday team-up was the first time all week I'd played CoX, which means I didn't get around to leveling Amber to 50 as I'd hoped to do much much sooner. But, last night Dino and I played together and got her to within 4 pips of 50, so tonight the goal was to finish that off.
And we did!! Amberfyre is now officially security level 50!
Unfortunately, I missed getting my level-up shot, as we were in the middle of a fight at the time and I couldn't hit the print-screen button fast enough. But you can see the last remaining traces of level-up glitter in the picture. Really, I swear it happened!
Whoo hooo! Amber was created in November of 2006 and a nice NPC in the Portal Courtyard told her that she'd put in 403 hours. ^_^
Of course, being a blaster, she promptly died not long after leveling. ^^;; But she doesn't mind the dying so much anymore, because she's got her self-rez, Rise of the Phoenix, now.
And here she is training after the mission.
Honestly, when I first started playing this game, I never thought I would manage to reach 50 with any character. In fact, I'm shocked I'm still playing and enjoying it so much! The only games I've ever finished have been Dragon Warrior, FF7 and Chrono Cross, and that's it. Of course, Amber isn't really finished. She's got lots to do still and a whole lot to go back and work on, since she skipped over so much while following Kin and Xelara around. ^_^ So, now I've got one character at 50, with another not too far behind (Shade hit 40 this weekend) and a third pushing the upper 30s. How cool is that?
Thank you thank you to everyone I play with! You all make this game the fun that it is with great teams and role playing!
While we're here, might as well put up a couple more. Since I blew through my backlog of screenshots
the last time I posted, not too long ago, I haven't collected too much yet, but I've got a couple. All Amber shots, along with some Teff pics! *gasp!*
Here Amber has just completed the Statesman arc with the Dinosorceror and a dragon friend named SilverClaw, and sits herself regally on Statesman's throne, while SilverClaw, Statesman and Dino (who is just outside of the picture) gather around.
And what does she have to say for herself?
Here's a couple shots of her new costume. Yes, I wanted her to have a special costume to wear when she hit 50! I know it was kind of silly, but I really really like it! I think it's pretty, looks very special and heroic, but still retains "her" look.
And one more, which I just love <3 My baby is all grown up and saving the city!! *sniffle*
And now... just because it is rare to see him in the game - Teff!!
Here he's just looking strong and smexy -
Facing off against one of Etherea's lampshades -
And lastly, showing off how hot he really is! Woooot!! I love this shot! Ever since the early days of playing, I've been trying and trying to get a good picture of Teff using the flamethrower, and I finally did it! Eeee!
Okay, okay. That's enough fangirling outta me. I need to go to bed, or something. Anyway, the point of this post is - YAY! :D :D