Apr 01, 2008 13:41
I miss my Eridanos kids. :( And especially Ripp.
This hits me especially when I'm driving. I have mix of music in the car, that consists of my "soundtracks" from various stories, including Wasting Time in Strangetown and songs that I had picked out for Eridanos, because I'd had that story planned for sim-years to come. And every time one of those songs comes up on shuffle, I remember what I'd planned to do and I feel feel feel I wanna write about those kids again soooo bad! And I miss them, like I miss friends I haven't seen in ages.
The big problem is - time. I just can't find it. I mean, look at how far apart my WTiS updates come. I wanna work on that too! And all sorts of other stories that I'm working on that I don't post, plus drabbles and ficlets that pop into my head and won't go away, but somehow the time to do any of those things just runs the hell away from me and I can't catch it. Even now I'm doing two things at once - writing this entry while I'm making lunch at the same time. I'm hoping maybe maybe to get some WTiS time this afternoon, if I can finish off my current roll of film first.
*sighs* My life is still in need of a major overhaul. I'm getting closer, but I'm still not pointed in the right direction.
sims - strangetown,
sims - eridanos,