Jun 11, 2007 12:08
Well... The most amazing thing has happened... *drum roll* I'M ENGAGED!!! Jason proposed this weekend and of course I said a big grinning yes. Though I was crying I assure you readers that it was the most happy cry I have ever had. Words cannot explain the feelings I have when I look at my *FIANCE* (WHOOT) or when I look at my ring when he's not around to stare at *grin*. Everything went perfectly. We were going to go to quebec on a lake but some unfortunate weather happened and made that impossible. Therefore he payed for a room and we got a whole wack of food and stuff and everything and had the perfect night and he proposed to me. It was a wonderful weekend and on another exciting note we officially have the apartment and on august the first yours truly will be living on her own with her *FIANCE* (I love that WORD)... In the end I could explain the whole evening but that's my memory and I just want to hold it and cherish it for a while longer before I type it down but it will come. That is all I have for now to say...
A tout alors mes ami(e)s