Thank you and you and you and YOU!

Nov 27, 2009 00:06

It's Thanksgiving!

Well...actually, by the time I post this entry it most likely won't be anymore.

I'm thankful for a lot of things in my life.

like YOU! I'm so thankful for my friends. In these last couple of months it has really hit me what an incredibly awesome set of people i have in my life. My friends have just buoyed me back up to the surface time and time again with their love, wisdom, empathy, stories, advice..oh it goes on and on.

My friends are there for the good, the bad, and the grey...

and I'm just so inspired by everyone for various unique reasons. I would not be the person I am today without these people.

i don't care what fight club says, you are a unique snowflake.

oh gosh. I'm so cheesy. But ahhhhh i just love.

And I'm thankful that I can love and love and love....and that it never runs dry
and that I'm living.
and that I can feel.

it's been an exhausting past week or so, but a great past week or so!

on an especially tired day I decided to wear my glasses to work:

I've decided that is the thing to do to keep me amused. I love watching people come into the spa and seeing the concealed amusement in their eyes...because no...they can't show it. They must not offend me and my dorky glasses. They laugh at me on the inside. And I laugh at them on the inside watching them try to fight giving me wierd looks. All in all I think it adds some joy to this world.
Oh, plus, the bassist of Linkin Park was especially amused by my utter dorkiness and said he liked my ch-yahhhh....i felt pretty special.

oh p.s those are earrings that Kelsea made for me in that picture! Thanks Kelsea I got the goods and the pieces are super fabulous! Everybody go check out Kelsea's work at
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