(no subject)

Aug 12, 2009 11:43

I'm sitting at my desk in my underwear....i refuse to take a shower. I mean, sure, I may have just worked out, but I'm going to a dance class this afternoon - a dance class where not only do I sweat profusely, but everyone else in the jam-packed classroom does too....I'm convinced that even if I didn't sweat myself, I would still be soaking wet, what w/ everyone's sweat filling the whole room till it feels like you're wading through pudding...
anyway, so yeah, what's the point of showering now? That's my thinking.

I was skeptical going to my gym class this morning, it was a class called "Dance with Me"....i'm always doubtful of dance-oriented gym classes...most of the time they just don't feel like a work-out to me and i feel stupid doing stupid dance moves.
But this one really proved me wrong!
I felt like I should be in a mockumentary of totally over-the-top gym instructors and classes!
The class was run by a couple (and the husband is Billy Blanks Jr., I guess Billy Blanks son!? like that tae bo guy!?). Well, they were just super super energetic and like the cutest thing...I mean, can you imagine? A wife and husband teaching a dance gym class together and being super like "bahhh!" and "Yeah!" haha...plus, they would sing all the songs (and they both have amazing voices, i guess billy blanks jr was in the musical fame - i just wiki'd them) so some of the tracks we worked out to were kareoke versions and they were singing as we worked out ...i felt like i was in a musical. a musical gym class? 
to say the least it was very entertaining.

Jen, will you go to gym classes w/ me when you are here? You can get one of those week free membership things

I need to find a way to integrate Stuart's and I's skills so we can be a power couple like that. hahaha.

It's my saturday today and I'm glad. I just worked 7 days in a row....which is actually fine. With all the crazy changes that happened in the spa over the last week, everything was so busy and up in the air that I didn't even really notice working...

I met our new spa director yesterday and he seems very nice and personable. Though the first thing he said to me was, "Thanks for your email yesterday!" and I was like...???...because I didn't send him an email....and I was like, "I sent you an email?" and he was like, "yeahh!" and i didn't quite know if I should protest too much...but haha just slightly awkward...

Although having Christine and Jeremy leave has been so sad for me - I really liked them a lot, they were wonderful managers, wonderful people....this opportunity to have more responsibility has given me new drive at work. I think I've just felt so static and stuck at work for a while, seeing this light at the end of the tunnel for possible expansion of my role has made me feel a lot more motivated. So crossing fingers! The good thing is, no matter what happens, if I get formally promoted or not, I think I will continue to have more responsibility...which is great.

The return of game night this Friday! I think it's been about 2 months! craziness.

And I got stamps...so I'm excited to write letters.

And I still haven't hung my pictures up in my room. Maybe I should do that today. I'm feeling kind of lazy though. I'd rather write letters. We'll see.
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