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shayrena April 7 2006, 11:18:49 UTC
ooooh, yes, the Lorelai/Luke scene is fantastic too :]
Definitely one of my favorites too ;D
Mine, too :D They look so sweet and Lorelai is gorgeous in that dress and with the flowers in her hair. I've been meaning to make icons of this scene.

No problem for me, not everybody likes the 24 concept & I certainly understand it ;D
It's not that I don't like it, it's just that I couldn't care less about it. I don't know why, especially as everyone around me seems to love it.

we'd met ... then I'd show you some S3 action, as this is the only season I have on dvd
Yeah sure, but I don't have to watch the whole season, right? I'd like to see that kiss you've been talking about *g*

I think (not sure here) that it's from Season 5, Der große mutato auf deutsch.
Ok, dann kenn ich die ep definitiv nicht. So lange hab ich nicht geguckt. Der große Mutato *lach*. Hat was von Hakuna Matata ;D

Ooooh, du bist zuuuuu gütig zu mir *lach* ;D
Ja, ich sollte mal ein bisschen strenger sein, ich merk das schon ;)

You could already have it, because I'm sure that I've already uploaded it some time ago...
I reall like this song, so I hope you do too ! ;D
No, I didn't have it. But I love it! One more great song from you *hugs*
Can I pick another one? *lol*


icequeen3101 April 18 2006, 20:10:32 UTC
Mine, too :D They look so sweet and Lorelai is gorgeous in that dress and with the flowers in her hair. I've been meaning to make icons of this scene.

Ooooh, cool, that's such a lovely scene, you can't have enough icons of that ;D

It's not that I don't like it, it's just that I couldn't care less about it. I don't know why, especially as everyone around me seems to love it.

Preferences *shrugs*
I didn't like S4 much & I'm surprised S4 is good again :D

Yeah sure, but I don't have to watch the whole season, right? I'd like to see that kiss you've been talking about *g*

No, I'd just show you some badass Nina & that's it, I didn't wanna watch the whole season either ;P

Ok, dann kenn ich die ep definitiv nicht. So lange hab ich nicht geguckt. Der große Mutato *lach*. Hat was von Hakuna Matata ;D

Jetzt wo du es sagst :D
Die Folge war aber echt schön... & witzig *hee* :D

Ja, ich sollte mal ein bisschen strenger sein, ich merk das schon ;)

Nein, bitte nicht, so find ich das schon gut ;P

No, I didn't have it. But I love it! One more great song from you *hugs*

Yaaaay *hugs back*
I'm glad you like it *smiles* :]

Can I pick another one? *lol*

Sure, go ahead, you can "request" as many songs as you'd like :D


shayrena April 21 2006, 20:43:32 UTC
I didn't like S4 much & I'm surprised S4 is good again :D
I know you didn't. You mean S5 is good again, right? That reminds me of Angel. I mean, I really like S4 by now, but when I watched it for the first time, there were roo many things that bugged me. And S5 was fabulous.

No, I'd just show you some badass Nina & that's it, I didn't wanna watch the whole season either
*lol* Alright. That's fine with me. As long as I can show you some Angel ;p

Die Folge war aber echt schön... & witzig *hee*
Das glaub ich dir gern *g*. Was ist denn ein Mutato?

Sure, go ahead, you can "request" as many songs as you'd like
Ok then: 846, 375, 13 *g*


icequeen3101 May 1 2006, 23:37:57 UTC
I didn't like S4 much & I'm surprised S4 is good again :D
I know you didn't. You mean S5 is good again, right?

Yep, damn typos ! *lol* ;D

That reminds me of Angel. I mean, I really like S4 by now, but when I watched it for the first time, there were roo many things that bugged me. And S5 was fabulous.

That's cool :D
I'm wondering how I'll see it ... btw. I saw a Angel digipack in Hannover, in a merchandise store, for about 30bucks & I had to think about you ! ;D

*lol* Alright. That's fine with me. As long as I can show you some Angel ;p

Sure, I'd love that ! :D

Das glaub ich dir gern *g*. Was ist denn ein Mutato?

Wenn ich das jetzt mal noch wüsste, ich glaube das war ein Monster aus einer Legende ??
Kann mich aber auch irren, hab die Folge schon so lang nicht mehr gesehen ;D

Ok then: 846, 375, 13 *g*

13 = Dredg ~ Catch without Arms
375 = It's a song I got in a m3p3 round, but I like 376 better, so you'll get that one too ! ;P Ben Lee ~ Pop Queen
376 = Sister 7 ~ Shelter
846 = Kill Bill OST : Malcolm McLaren ~ About her, one of the best songs on the ost ;D

Noch was ?? *g*


shayrena May 12 2006, 20:44:34 UTC
I'm wondering how I'll see it ... btw. I saw a Angel digipack in Hannover, in a merchandise store, for about 30bucks & I had to think about you ! ;D
Das würde mich aber auch mal interessieren. Ohh, welche Staffel denn? Warum hastes nicht gekauft? Die wissen da ja gar nicht, was die für ein Juwel da rumliegen haben o_O Die kann man wunderbar bei ebay verscherbeln, wenn man sie nicht selber haben will ;)

Sure, I'd love that ! :D
Yay *does the happy dance*

Danke für die gane Musik, Süße! Das reicht erstmal *ist heute anspruchslos*


icequeen3101 May 17 2006, 21:32:43 UTC
keine ahnung welche staffel, & ich hab's nicht gekauft, weil ich nicht sooooo viel Geld mit hatte & ich wollte ja nach Schuhen schauen ;D
vielleicht haben sie auch noch nie was von ebay gehört XD

okay, vielleicht dann beim nächsten mal wieder ;D


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