Five things that happened to Angie today.

Jan 26, 2006 21:55

1. Angie got almost a job today. She saw a sign in a window, loved the shop always & just thought "hmm, why not ??"
So Angie went in, waited till some customers were gone & said "well... actually I'm here because of the sign in the window."
Lady told to her to go in the back to the boss, ooookay, went to him, told him what she'd told her & then he says : Well, okay, then tell me something about you !
Uuuuuhm, ooooookay *lol*
So she told him what she did with her life till now (pretty much nothing btw.) he asked her some questions (one of them: Frage des Ladenbesitzers : Kiffst du ?? Antwort von Angie : Nein ... Antwort des Ladenbesitzers : Das ist schlecht ! weirdest thing that has ever happened to Angie in a job interview *lol* For my non german speaking friends : He basically asked her if she smokes pot, she told him no, his reaction to that "Oh well, that's bad" ) asked how old she was.
hmm... he still had some doubts, but didn't tell her exactly why, but he told her that he'd go to his wife now & ask her.
Shall Angie come with him ?? Or just stay ??
Yes Angie, go with him !
And tell his wife the exact same thing you just told him.
and after THAT they finally tell her what's wrong. They want someone older for that position, someone who just wants a side job, they want someone for at least 3 years... but Angie would just have to work 2 - 3 days in a week.
There's not much money to get out of that, hmmm... they doubted that she'd stay that long there, basically because she is still young, and wants to work and earn money, you know ??
They told her that they'd hired her, if she'd guarantee them that she'd stay that long, but actually... she can't... you never know.
But they told her that they liked her friendly appearance/manner and that she'd probably know how to work in stressful situations because of her previous job.
Oh well... Angie wasn't sad about that turn down. They explained it to her, reasonable, and she got it. ;)

2. Angie almost lost her kitty hat today.
She went into a clothes shop, took of her hat from her head & walked around.
Only to realise, when she was almost out of the shop again... that her kitty hat is missing.
So she went back, walked the way she walked again & ... finally found it somewhere on the floor *phew*
She doesn't know anymore what it had cost her, but she just thought "I can't afford another one, I cannot afford another one, it's too expensive & you were insane the first time you ordered it !"

3. Angie went in a sex shop today. (Go me !)
After Angie went in, two other girls went in ... and asked the shop lady if she has something there to make guys horny.
uuuuhm, oooookay, Angie pretty much decided to stay longer and just overhear that conversation, because it seemed... interesting *lol*
Shop Lady was kinda old, maybe in her 40s ?? But still pretty cool & explained the stuff to them & ... was really excited that those girls wanted to do this thing... eh, yeah, great *lol*
Anyways, somewhere between that conversation Angie was asked questions too & ... They kinda became friends, even though they didn't know each other & probably will never see each other again *laughing*
And yes, Angie purchased something there, but will never tell what ! (Well... she probably will if a nice person who she trusts will ask... and REALLY thinks it's not too much information *lol* ;) )

4. Angie felt like Al Bundy today.
Because she saw another "help wanted" sign in another shop... and yes... you name it ... it was a shoe shop.
A shoe shop nobody ever visits, but doesn't get "broke" either.
Strange, yeah, I know.
They told her to leave her name, number & age at a paper & they'll call her then ;)

5. Angie felt old today.
She told someone how old she will be by next week & got the reaction "OMG, THAT old ???"
ehm, yeah, thank you. I know that I look younger, thank you, that was kinda strange *lol*
(btw. it was one of the sex shop girls & they pretty much thought that I'm younger... I haven't asked them, but I guess they thought I might just be 18 or something *lol* shop lady, who's much older than me, just laughed, shaked her head & said "old ??" ;D)

and a Bonus :
Angie called Maren today.
They talked about 45 minutes, they talked about many things... but Angie hadn't had the chance to tell her, that her cat had died.
But Maren will visit Angie tomorrow & Angie hopes she'll be awake by then, because her sleepschedule is fucked up again & she's over 24 hours awake right now. (ehm, there was something else I wanted to tell you guys here, aaah, I know). She actually even hopes more, that she finds the opportunity then, because Maren knew Sam all the time, from kitten to now. She should know it.

See ??
And that was just an ordinary day in Angie's life.
Okay, so she doesn't go into a sex shop every once in a while, but who cares ;P

Sidenote : Because my browser is working fine again, you should expect to get some replies to some old replies *lol*
I already started this morning, but I have still way too many comments in my mail box & it could take me little while ;)

almost fanfic

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