Yesterday they showed us Prayer & I was quite impressed by Claudia Blacks acting.
The Crying, the Pain ect, felt so real.
She'd deserve an Emmy for that, really !
She portrayed Aeryn as such a strong woman.
They tried to break her, but she wasn't willing to give up hope, to tell them what they wanted to know.
I can't express my feelings correctly right now, but I can tell you that I love Aeryn even more now.
and today ??
First part of the We're so screwed trilogy.
I was kinda spoiled because I stumbled across the
Farscape 4x19 - 4x21 We're so screwed Fanlisting and the layout gives away that John will rescue Aeryn.
I was wondering all day (actually yesterday too) how they'd be able to rescue her, I knew they'd do it, but had no clue how.
Actually I thought they'd need all 3 parts... to rescue her in the end.
I was soooo relieved that they didn't *hee*
My mind was totally occupied with that question.
Waited impatiently to see how it will happen... actually I woke up today and my first thought was "How will they rescue Aeryn ??" *lol*
Okay... maybe not like this, but Prayer was the last thing I watched yesterday, it was the last thing I had in my mind yesterday...
So it was the first thing I had in mind this morning *lol*
The ending (before Harvey came back) was so cute.
Aeryn laying in that bed, John sitting beside her on the ground, fast asleep, Aeryn running her hand through his hair, happy that it is for real this time
And then Harvey comes back... I didn't understand how that was possible, because my mum came in to tell me that she's going to bed, when he explained that, hmpf.
But I think it has something to do with the blood sucking.
Best guess I have here.
I taped the episode, so I'll definitely watch it again.
Most likely before I'll go to bed ;)
The whole time I watched this episode I just thought "They are so close, but they can be captured any time."
I was sitting at the edge of my seat, very good episode *hee*
There were funny moments (Rygel puking all over the place, just to fake that he's sick ??
), there were cute moments (D'argo/Chiana, Aeryn/John), there were intense moments(when they wanted to transplant the baby, John as Peacekeeper, tortured because he wanted to "recreate" *lol* well, that was kinda funny too ;))
Loved the episode :)
So far I couldn't care less about the cliffhanger, but yeah, it's scary that Harvey's back... and seems he's kinda like the bad S2 Harvey who fractured Aeryn's skull... I so hope not.
Oh... and the "I know what you know" thing ?? REALLY scary !
Remember, it's all new for me folks, I still haven't seen 4x20 - 4x22 or the PK Wars, so be nice & don't spoil me, mmmkay ?? ;)
and for the Non-Scapers on my list a little fun thing.
Well, at least it'll be fun for me ;P
Stolen from
mata090680Okay everyone, I need new music.
So when you read this, I want you to take the song that is playing on your playlist at this very moment and upload it to
Post the link in the comments.
Once you do that, post the meme in your journal and I will reciprocate quite gladly.
Let us declare this MusicWhore day !