- I finally managed to finish an icon set for a challenge.
Look! Hunger Games icons!This is my first icon post in a YEAR. But I'm actually pretty happy with the outcome.
- speaking of Hunger Games, little Funko Effie Trinket moved into my home this week :D
I still want Butterfly dress Effie (because that was sooo pretty!!!), and a Haymitch would be nice... but at this point I doubt that there will be more Hunger Games pops. So... trying to be happy with what we got.
- I binged Fuller House, but it was more a case of "It's available, I have netflix, the eps are short, let's do this!" instead of "OMG, SOOOO GOOD!!!"
Especially the pilot was bad. Really bad... it improves with the later eps, but some of the catchphrases grow more and more annoying if you binge it.
Also? Didn't care for the kids. The grown ups? yes, good! Kids? Eh...
- The X-Files revival is officially over! :(
and they ended it on a cliffhanger... that actually made me laugh. Pretty convinced there that you'd get another season, weren't you? :P
Lucky for them the ratings were amazing, so it's unlikely they won't get another season... unless David and Gillian say "nope, I'm outta here!"
but they were super supportive and happy about the revival, too. So, yeah.
Let's see where this goes.
Overall I was pretty happy with the revival, and I even liked the finale, which a lot of people seemed to hate.
So, yeah, give me more!!! :D
- I think I wanted to say more, but I can't remember...
so let's end it on a random note, I decided that I definitely don't need workout with the job I have. If I don't end up with sore muscles tomorrow, I'll call it a blessing.