(no subject)

Dec 03, 2015 15:24

UGH, I'm the worst. I meant to update 3 weeks ago... THAT WORKED WELL.
Procrastination ftw :P
Either way, some life/fandom updates from me :D

- I'm in the second week of a two week vacation, and it's gloooorious. :D
I haven't done anything, really. The last 3 days I spent in bed, reading fanfiction, and I couldn't be happier about that life decision tbh XD
Also, smart phones ftw! Since I don't have a laptop, I used my smartphone for the reading sessions, and it was nice.

- Tomorrow I have an appointment with a hairdresser. going to get it cut, and some highlights.
I'm thinking of something similar like Jennifer Lawrence's cut, but I'd like bangs, like in this picture.
I actually wanted to get it cut today, but they were too busy, and asked if another day would work, too. So, yeah, tomorrow. Fingers crossed that I won't regret this! :D

- Saturday is supposed to be some sort of work christmas celebration. We're supposed to meet at our local christmas market, and... IDK, drink, and have fun?
I don't know the details, yet. Will have to call tomorrow to get them.
But I liked our last "work party thing", and I'm sure this'll be nice, too. I'm definitely going to drink less though. UGH. Last time I had the worst hangover in world's history.

- I kinda fandom hopped from Mass Effect to Hunger games. I blame the second Mockingjay movie.
The ending was much better than expected.
[spoilers for the very end, click on your own risk]
I mean, the ending was still terrible, with Katniss/Peeta and the kids.
But at least we didn't get a voiceover telling us that she never wanted kids, and only had them for Peeta, because he wouldn't leave her alone. :|

But the ending isn't what roped me back into the fandom.
[what was it?]
It was the Haymitch/Effie kiss. OMG!!! *fans self*
I mean, it was sweet, and probably nothing special. BUT IT STILL MADE ME SQUEE; and turn to Cerri and Kat, who where just as excited.

Apparently this wasn't even planned.

Anyway, yeah, spent the last couple days reading Hayffie fics. NO REGRETS.
Or maybe very minimal slight regrets, because I'm super behind on tv again. But mostly? yeah, no regrets!:D

- I think I mentioned that I threw all my money at Bioware for their hoodie sale. Didn't I?
Anyway, they arrived! :D
My Kaidan Hoodie arrived only a or two week after I ordered it. It was amazing! :D
The N7 Hoodie on the other hand... I think that was close to 6 weeks... but it's here now, too. I'm actually wearing it right now, and it's super cozy and warm.
Bioware can have all my money again, if another obsession wave hits me, and I feel like I need all their stuff during a sale! XD

- OUAT is pretty disappointing this season.
Especially the last 3 episodes were super Captain Swan heavy... so heavy that not even I could ignore it *lol*
I usually don't care about CS, Hook or Emma, and I'm pretty good at ignoring them, and just concentrating on the good stuff. Like Regina or Outlaw Queen.
But since ep 3 we barely had any Lana scenes, let alone good Outlaw Queen ones.
All the OQ scenes happen "off screen" now.
Well, thanks writers. I'm not watching the show to read fanfiction! (... I mean, I do. But it would be nice to actually see those scenes you mention, too... )

- I really love "The Affair" this season. I liked their unusual way to tell the story last season, but ended up hating Alison/Noah as a couple.
But I deciced to watch the season premiere, and decide after that what to do with it.
What can I say? LOVE IT! :D They added Cole's and Helen's pov to the story, and it's amazing! :D
and... Noah is still the worst! Terrible human being. straigh up garbage person! (ask tvline! :P )

- The X-files re-watch is going pretty well. We're in the middle of S7 now.
S6 might be my favorite season overall tbh. They had a lot of fun episodes that season :)

- I feel like I'm forgetting so much, but I also don't know what else to add. so for now I'll leave it at that, and hopefully I'll remember to update sooner!

tv: the affair, mass effect, tv: once upon a time, tv: the x-files, movies: hunger games

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