Hot & Steamy

Nov 14, 2014 17:58

- One of my external hard drives is acting up. 2 days ago my computer couldn't detect it anymore.
Yesterday it worked, again, and I was able to "save" some things, and today we're back to it not being recognized anymore (but at least I'm not getting any "usb device can't be detected" warnings anymore, which I see as a good sign, yes *lol* )
It's one of my oldest hard drives, losing it wouldn't be the worst, especially after I saved some stuff already. It's mostly just annoying. But it also makes me want to get a new one *coughs*

- Lana is trying to kill me.
[spoilers for sunday's ouat ep]
"We’ll also see something that I think the audience has been waiting for between Regina and Robin Hood. Something quite juicy. So I would just say that it may be frozen in Storybrooke but it gets a little hot and steamy in their life."

I think I'm dead already.

This was already plenty hot and steamy:

but I'm definitely not complaining about more!!! :D :D :D
Sunday can't come any sooner.

She also said this:
"TVF: Do you miss some of the Evil Queen stuff that we used to see Regina do?

LP: Of course I miss it. It’s fun and we have a couple of flashbacks coming up where, for me, playing the Evil Queen again…it’s like a breath of fresh air and I used to use that term all the time when Regina was on the road to redemption, but now because she’s been down that path for the last couple seasons it’s kind of refreshing to go back and play this Evil Queen again. As the actor who plays her I love it. I feel so free and I can go anywhere with her and I can be quite theatrical, over the top, and then still, you know, the origin of that performance lies in truth and honest choices. So it’s fun. I want to see more of it and I believe you will be very soon.

It’s funny because Bobby [Carlyle] and I were together just last week and we did this scene of Evil Queen and Rumpelstiltskin, and we were like, “Oh my God, this is our first scene together this entire season. It took eleven episodes but here we are.” And, oh my gosh, we had the best time. We just had the best time, a ton of fun, and you will also see Regina and Gold again and they have a beautiful conversation together in her car. He comes in and they just start chatting it up and there’s a beautiful kinship between them, a friendship, an old sort of familial bond between them that everyone will see shortly."

We haven't seen those two in a scene together in ages. I'm sure it'll be great!!! :D

Source, if you want to read the whole interview

- I meant to say more, but then the ouat stuff distracted me, so I'm ending it here. BYE!

lana parrilla: queen of my heart, tv: once upon a time, computer woes

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