You guys?
Are amazing!!
Almost everybody accepted my last entry without questions asked <3
But for those of you who actually want to know why I did it...
here's a little explanation.
I worked in that job for 5 years.
I was always the temp, people around me got promoted, new ones got hired (and fired), and I actually didn't even mind it that much.
My time would come, oh yeah, nod nod.
Only that it never did.
During busy times, like christmas, I was suddenly needed.
Suddenly I should be there from 9am to 9pm, every day (this is no exaggeration!)
Last december I worked 232 hours!!!
In one month alone... we're closed on sundays and there were the holidays in between, do the math.
Usually I'm working around 80 hours a month.
But come november/december?
This happens and I'm suddenly up to 200+ hours a month.
It happened time and time again...
So my new years resolution was to quit before this happened again!!!
I'm not a machine, and this job made me HATE HATE HAAAATE christmas.
I was always so exhausted and dead during the season, I was glad when I was home, and didn't have to see anyone.
The previous years made it kind of okay/better because I had awesome co-workers, but they're all gone now.
Quit, got themselves better jobs, and I was still stuck there, getting more and more miserable by the minute.
There are still 2 co-workers I love, but the one who I don't love?
The one who got promoted and thinks she's the almighty queen now??
Yeah, she ruins everything. She makes mistakes, but instead of standing up for it, she makes it look like YOU made her mistakes.
She's a backstabbing bitch, but my boss is too blind to see it.
So this + the impending christmas season (OMG, we recieved the first christmas items already, it's not even september, yet!!!) made me quit my job.
Kinda stupid, because I don't have anything new, yet.
But I'm without debt, and I didn't make any big purchases in the last couple of months, so I should be good for a little while now.
and hopefully I'll find something new, and even better until the end of the year.
to make this a bit more random...
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