- I kind of want to watch Desperate Housewives again.
the third season airs in germany atm, and I really enjoy those episodes.
I'm a little bit spoiled for some storylines, too, but I think those are only minor things... or at least I tell that myself ^_^
Anyways, so, yeah, DH again, I think that's kind of fascinating, considering that I stopped midseason 2 to watch it, then caught SOME episodes of S3, downloaded one because of the guest appearance of Brennan Elliot and... yeah, well, then the Emmys were shown and I fell in love with the girls (especially Felicity) again.
- New tv season started and I'm still behind.
I haven't seen Prison Break yet, I still need to watch the final 2 episodes of the 4400, and... so much more stuff.
Actually I wanted to watch Heroes in that hiatus, but kinda ... didn't.
because of work and lazyness and other stuff.
Guess I can be happy that I was able to FINALLY watch the latest season of 24.
- speaking of work... in case anybody was wondering...
yes, stupid cow(that's her new name now) is still on sick leave, fourth week now.
but in october we'll have another "second in command".
She's not fired, as far as I know, but she won't have the same rank as before, either.
It's kind of her fault that I'm so behind with my shows and stuff.
If I wouldn't have to work all these damn hours, then I'd have had more me time and therefore I could have watched more tv *lol*
but as it is right now... well, I don't even have a day off this week!!!
well, sunday, wooohoo *rolleyes*
but the store is closed sundays, so it's not all that surprising that I don't have to work then.
and people are annoying me right now.
Can I shoot somebody please??
Customer conversation, lady with a child, child is in a buggy... eating a package with magnetic letters, yuck
C: *takes the half eaten package and gives it to me* Can I put those on a door??
Me: Well, those are magnets.
C: Yeah, well, can I put them on a door??
Me: If you have a magnetic door, yes, you can, because these are magnets, you know?
C: mmmh, so can I put them on door? I mean, it's a wooden door.
Me: *headdesk* These are magnets, if there's a magnet board or something else installed, then yes, you can, otherwise you can't.
C: Oh, okay, there's no such thing, I thought I can put those on his door, I'm sorry.
and then she left, and I still had the half eaten package, yum. -_-
but seriously, how should those letters hold on a wooden door??
If she'd glue them to it... well, yeah, probably, but those are MAGNETS.
I've never heard of magnets that "cling" to wood.
I'm in rant mood now, and I will change languages, because I'm too lazy to translate at the moment, and I probably wouldn't even know how to translate this properly, but I have another gem like this.
It will be under this cut, so that everybody who wants to can ignore it ^_^
Also... wir verkaufen so Schlüsselanhänger, das sind ebenfalls Buchstaben.
Buchstaben ziehen dumme Menschen scheinbar an...
jedenfalls sind diese Schlüsselanhänger vergoldet und auch versilbert, und glitzern wie blöde.
Hängen alle zusammen an einem Ständer, aber die goldenen sind einen Euro teurer als die silbernen.
Es hängt auch ein Schild über dem Ständer, aber ab & zu gibt's immer noch Leute, die fragen wieviel die Dinger denn nun kosten. (jaja, lesen ist schon schwer *rolleyes* )
vor ein paar Tagen dann... eine Frau guckt sich mit Freunden die Teile an.
Die beiden unterhalten sich auch, aber auf einer Sprache die ich nicht verstehe (sollte mal eine türkisch kurs besuchen glaub ich ;P )
Plötzlich fragt mich die eine, ob die denn alle das gleiche kosten würden.
Ich rattere also das übliche runter, silber 6,95 Euro, gold 7,95 Euro.
Frau, guckt mich an, und fragt: "Ja, aber auch die unterschiedlichen Größen?? Kosten die alle das gleiche??"
Ich: " O_ô welche unterschiedlichen Größen??"
Sie: *nimmt ein S vom Ständer und hält es gegen ein T* ja, das ist doch größer als das
Ich: "ehm... es sind... unterschiedliche Buchstaben..." O_ô
Die Diskussion ging dann gott sei dank nicht weiter.
Das einzige was mir dazu nur jeden Tag auf's neue einfällt ist ...
and on this note I'll end this entry ^_^
This got longer and rambli-er (? ^_^ ) than it was supposed to be, bear with me.
I need to go to bed now anyways, another long day lies ahead of me *sighs*