(no subject)

Mar 31, 2012 12:29

Is it bad of me to plan an entire day of non-stop Mass Effect marathoning when I could be doing something grown-up, like, you know, buying groceries?

I haven't gotten through much, but here's my first impressions:

1. Kira Shepard is almost a carbon copy of Elsa Hawke in the decision making department. The first couple of choices she made are steering her towards Paragon, and even though I personally don't agree with a couple of them, choosing anything other than being a champion for kicked puppies and sad-eyed children for her just feels wrong.

1a. I like the inclusion of scars to the character design page. My headcanon says that Kira got hers from beating up another Navy brat that was bullying someone. Kid!Shep might have gotten one hell of a cut lip, but you should have seen the other kid.

1b. My headcanon also says that she's around 5'4 or so with a bit of a Napoleon complex. Instead of needing to be on a constant power trip to overcompensate for being a little shorter than her fellow military dudes, she feels like she needs to show that she's just as physically capable as anyone else (aiming issues aside.) She might be super nice, but she can still kick your ass without batting an eyelash.

1c. She's an Infiltrator, but she completely sucks at the door opening mini-games. This is because I completely suck at the door opening mini-games and personally wish that they weren't involved. Whatever happened to the old fashioned lock picking rogues?

1d. She's also a lousy shot. I'm currently beefing up any and all her other compaions to be better with a pistol/assault rifle/sniper rifle/etc. than she is. God, I hope she gets better. Right now, any firefights turn out with her shooting the wall right next to the target, her buddies actually wearing the HP down, then Kira getting a lucky shot in to take the bad guy down. There is much heroics and "Look at what I did!" involved. *smirk*

2. Can I say I have a crush on Joker already? He's snarky and almost reminds me a bit of Alistair with the whole "I use humor to sidestep the Important Issues." I miss Alistair.

2b. I also have a mini-crush on Kaiden. If there are any love interests in this game, I kinda hope that he's one. He gave Kira a wee little side smile post-first mission that I found adorable. I'm planning on taking him with me pretty much everywhere, which means he's probably going to wind up being my Nathaniel. And you all know how much I love Nate.

2c. Though he might have some competition from Garrus. Renagade!Issa agrees with his attitude of getting the job done by using any route. Plus he's an awesome shot, which makes up for Kira's "you can't hit the broad side of a spaceship" aiming. My team might just be permanently Shepard, Kaiden, and Garrus for all I know. So far it's worked. Everyone else is just going to have to hang out on the Normandy and, I dunno, learn to play Diamondback or something.

3. The environment is expansive! There's tons of places to wander around in, I got lost in the Capitol I don't know how many times, and the possiblilty of sidequests is incredible. Kira's Paragon influence meant that I didn't get to finish scanning the keepers, which I was all "Wait! We haven't finished! Damnit!" when she put the brakes on it.

4. I balked when I found out that we get to drive the Mako. Kid!Issa stank at 8-bit Nintendo racing games. Teen!Issa stank at Mario Kart. Adult!Issa stinks at driving cars in LA Noire and now, apparently driving space rovers. I imagine Shepard's buddies are holding onto their seatbelts with one hand and the sides of the Mako with the other, wishing that they could have been the ones to drive instead.

5. How do you earn credits? I want to buy ALL THE SHINY NEW THINGS, but I have no money. Do you get the money later when you beat bad guys and I'm just jumping the gun, or is there certain things that you have to do in order to earn cash? I are stumped.

6. Saying that, I'm attempting to play this 100% blind. No online or print guides, no nothing. So feel free to ignore #5. I haven't gotten into this fandom at all, so I'm completely spoiler-free. I'm always so late to the new fandom parties that all the good stuff has already happened and I'm aware of plot twists, so this is kinda neat in a way.

So yeah. Spending a lazy Saturday either plopped in front of my TV or spending a lazy Saturday plopped in front of my laptop. I started watching Toby play Dead Island and while he might not be the best player out there, he sure is one of the most entertaining.

video games

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