Hat #3 has been finished. It's a seed stitch pattern, and I can tell where I messed up a couple of stitches before getting back on the pattern, but it really isn't noticable. Still I can see it and I really want to frog the whole thing and start over. I'm not going to because 1) I have waaaaaay too many projects to do to spend time reworking a perfectly good hat and 2) even if there are minor mistakes, at least you can tell it was homemade instead of bought at a store.
Dad's Christmas gift is in the works. This knit three, purl two pattern you do for the entire hat is really easy and it took a while, but I've finally gotten the hang of my metal circular needles. They're really slippery against the bamboo yarn I'm working with, but they make it easier to slip stitches from one needle to the other. I have about five and a half more inches left to knit before I can start shaping. Hopefully, if I've read the stitches right, it's going to make a criss-crossing sort of spiral pattern all along the crown of the hat.
Still playing X-Men: Destiny, but with a different character on a difficulty level one up from my first playthrough. Remy still makes me giggle and now I can't hear Wolverine without thinking of a weird combo of Spike and Oghren, which also made me giggle.
My little Christmas tree has been decorated.
For as long as I can remember, Mom and I have been the ones to do all the indoor decorating. We haven't had the time to do anything huge for the past few years, but this year we've actually gotten our act together. Mom showed up tonight bearing the traditional Ramirez family tree-decorating DVDs (namely the Claymation Christmas special, How the Grinch Stole Christmas [the classic Boris Karloff version], and the Charlie Brown special) It didn't take very long since we only have a two foot tree to decorate, but we had pulled out the Must Have ornaments and sat on the sofa talking about what each one meant. Since Mom's not putting up a tree this year, I have the very first ornament Mom and Dad had gotten together as a married couple (it was part of a set, but after thirty-four years, this one is the only one they have left that still has all its parts), a set of wooden ornaments they bought for my first Christmas (they've always been my favorites to put up - they're hand painted and even though some of them have had their more delicate parts broken and glued back together, I can't think of a tree without them) and several that were made by my great-aunt over the years. The tree topper is probably thirty or so years old too, but even when I went through my "we must have all white lights and ONLY classy ornaments (the wooden ones can be put here and there though)" or my "we need to do a tree with nothing but pinecones, bird nests and red ribbons" decorating phases, it never failed that this gold tinsel and multicolored lighted star always made it to the top of each tree, even if it clashed with whatever theme I was trying for the year. I need to take pictures; even though this is a small tree, it turned out looking like a mix of all of my favorite trees that Mom and I have ever done put together.
I have a loaf of banana bread cooling on the counter to take to the guys tomorrow morning. I just so happened to have three bananas that were ripe enough to use before they went bad and I've been in a baking mood for the longest but haven't had a chance to fire up the oven since Thanksgiving (why does it feel like it's been AGES since then?) I'll be baking next week when I do a pineapple upside down cake and a few batches of double chocolate chunk macadamia nut cookies for our office party as well as a rum poundcake to be part of my gift exchange offering. Need to go to the store sometime this weekend to get all the ingredients for all that. Probably on Sunday since Saturday is a ren faire in Ingleside that Marchelle and I are going to check out. It's only a $3 entrance fee which makes me think that it's going to be a tiny faire, but according to the online info, Tartanic is supposed to play. Small venue + one of our favorite bands = awesomecakes. Really, ANY day at faire is a good day at faire, no matter if it's teeny tiny or OMGHUGE. And this way my feet won't hurt too much when I wear my badass boots, because I ♥ my badass boots, even if it takes forever to get them both buckled up from the ankle to just under my knee.
Thermostat says that it's 44 outside and 63 inside. I refuse to turn on the heater until it gets cold enough in here that not even extra blankets and socks can keep me warm. Trying to save money after that streak of 100+ degree weather in the summer months killed my budget.