Christmas gifts (hats only): 1/4 done. Starting up the second one. I'm in love with the cobalt blue yarn I made the first hat out of; if I ever make one for my own, I'm halfway tempted to get a bunch of yellow, white and orange colored yarn and embroider a couple of stars on one side a la Van Gogh. Second hat is a bright red.
Scarves are still a possiblilty, especially if I get the hats done quickly. #1 took my only an hour and a half to complete, so we'll see.
Signed up for
Secret Swooper over at
swooping_is_bad. I've never done a ficathon/gift exchange before, but I've always wanted to!
Speaking of fic, characters are not allowed to show up at random times and suddenly demand stories to be written, especially since I have to go to bed now and can't do anything about writing. Nate got fed up with waiting in line, especially since I've been making noises about starting up a series of Rory/Dee stories, so he decided to take action. We'll be working on that story tomorrow after work and during the weekend. :D Now that I'm starting it, I just realized how much I missed Nathaniel. It's only been two months since writing anything with him in it from the ground up, (I spent October revising already finished work, so I'm not counting that) but it seems longer. *snuggles*
My contacts have been acting up. I really don't want to have to go to work tomorrow wearing my glasses, but if they still feel all gross in the morning, I just might have to. Then again, I'd rather tear into a brand new pair of contacts before that, especially seeing how driving while everything looks like a fishbowl would be challenging. *grumble*