Wordcount is at 31,780 and my fingers have all but quit on me. Stupid fingers. Going to call it a partial evening and see how my hands feel later on tonight when I get back to my place after watching the Walking Dead over here.
Things I have discovered:
1. I can't write worth a damn on Darcy. I think it's because he's upset that I traded him in for Al, but I can't help it; Al is a laptop and goes wherever I want to instead of me being stuck in my parents' spare bedroom where Darcy ultimately ended up when I moved away. I still love you baby, but we're just not working any more.
2. My writing totem, which is the Flannel Shirt of Awesomeness, doubles for warmth. It's too nice of a day outside to keep the AC on, so I wound up turning the unit off and the temperature dropped from a comfortable 72 all the way down to a chilly 63 in less than thirty minutes. I don't want to turn on the heater just yet, mostly because I don't want to stink up the apartment right now with that initial burnt smell that happens when you turn the heater on, so I've been sitting in my bedroom shivering in my thick PJs and socks.
3. Even though Al is portable, I can't write anywhere else except my bedroom. I think this is because I wrote the other two stories featuring Moira there and it's familiar. I tried to type at my dining room table and my living room sofa, but got nothing. I head back to sit on my bed and bam! One day's 1,667 wordcount goal done in less than an hour. This stinks because my bedroom is the coldest part of my apartment right now, so the Flannel Shirt of Awesomeness has earned its keep in keeping my warm. My muse is not allowed to have it back until later. This doesn't really matter because...
4. The muse has been suspiciously absent. I think this is because he's going "Hey, it's fanfic. You've already got an established plotline, characters, and whatnot. Why do you need me around? Besides, you don't have anything to eat except for carrot sticks and cheese."
The cheese is for Alistair, BTW. I still can't get a good handle on his character. It feels really weird to be able to take a shower and not get hit with an idea while my hair is still soapy and I can't do anything about whatever plot point just came up. On that same note, character development is starting to take one of those turns where you didn't originally plan for certain people to say certain things. This is happening to Morrigan in particular. I really like her in-game and she's always in my party, but in my story, I'm not liking her so much. I want her to be prickly and antisocial, but she's taking it to a whole new level. Alistair too - he's going from Cute Chantry Boy to "hey, I could be a leader if I really wanted to" which is where I want him to head on by himself, but maybe not just yet.
Nathaniel is still making his presence known by way of Moira's flashbacks. If this wasn't a story to bridge two other established stories, I'd make it an AU where he comes back from the Free Marches early and joins up with them, because he's on her mind a lot for being the guy whose dad did what he did to her family.
5. I might be almost 3/4 of the way done, but nothing has really happened yet. We're just in Lothering and we haven't even talked to the Revered Mother, done any Chanter's Board quests, or met Sten and Leliana. *facepalm* I refuse to read back what I've written, because I know that I'm going to wind up editing like crazypants.
6. My wrists and fingers are sprinters, not marathon runners. I can type around 70-80 WPM (or so a typing test told me when I applied for my current job), but I can't type that fast for extended periods of time without my fingers starting to slip up and my wrists aching. This sucks, big time.
Like I said, I think I'm done writing for the day, but we'll see how my hands feel once I get back to my place. Now, off to read and catch up with f-lists.