My muse does not like being dragged from his vacation one bit.

Apr 01, 2010 18:41

I just realized that November is going to be way too busy for me. Unfortunately, that means it's too busy to do NaNo.

Which is why I'm doing it this month instead. I have absolutely no idea what I'm writing, because I'm waffling between the Death-gets-laid-off story idea I've been kicking around in my head for a few years or doing some Dragon Age fanfic because I'm so in love with that fandom right now. As of right now, Alistair/Brenna Cousland is kicking an unemployed Death's behind. Hopefully it won't be as bad as my Basch/Original Character, seeing that Brenna's a semi-original character instead of a 100% original character.

Anyway, we'll see. I wound up writing as soon as I got home from work, so technically I'm already into the usual Day 3 word count at 3,463 words. Thinking about calling it quits for the evening so I can go and do some "research" while trying to finish the Urn of Sacred Ashes quest. (didn't I use that research excuse last year?)

Thinking about doing a daily wordcount post so that I can post the stats later in November to get it verified and all. I'm still doing NaNo, but just in a different month, so I think this still counts. Maybe I'll write everything here, and then do NaNoEdMo in November in between all the "argh so busy" moments or something. I dunno.

video games, alistair love, nanowrimo

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