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I got to 50,008 words last night and my muse decided to pack up and leave. I think he was fed up with all the fangirling of other people besides him and/or me being distracted with Faire.
Or else he could have been disgusted with the tremendous amount of Sueism in this year's offering. I know I am.
Fortunately, before my Jamie!Muse left we did manage to write out a beginning, middle, and end. They're awful, and after validating it with the main NaNo site, I've already set the .doc on fire and sacrificed the entire piece of work in a writhing, screaming, delete key fashion to the writing gods in hopes that next year's efforts won't be as bad.
And now I'm sitting here, thinking that I need to do something, because I've spent every spare minute I've had this month writing. I always feel this way every year and it always takes me about until the first full week of December to come out of NaNo mode. Now I can concentrate on working on the Novels, because I really want to get them at least into Generation 7 before the new year.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I am waiting on the turkey to do its thing in the oven. I'm insane; I not only volunteered Casa de Issa as the place to eat today, but I also said "Just come on over at noon! I'll have everything ready by then!"
Yep, I'm flying solo this year. I've done 90% of several Thanksgiving meals by myself before, but since they were at Mom's house, she always came in and helped. My menu:
* Turkey - in the oven, will be ready to come out at 10:45
* Dressing - made, just need to be put in the oven to crisp up after the turkey is done.
* Roasted sweet potatoes and butternut squash - cooked, just need to be warmed in the oven.
* Mashed potatoes - still need to make
* Gravy - will make around 11:45
* Rolls - need to put in the oven around 11:45
* Cranberry sauce with mandarin oranges - will make when Mom gets here, seeing as she has a pretty serving bowl and I don't.
* Steamed zuchinni - will make once Mom gets here because she has a steamer and I don't.
* Corn - gets zapped in the microwave at the last minute (I love those fresh steam baggies!)
* Cheesecake - in the fridge. Cheated and bought it from Sam's Club. :D
Note that we will not be having green bean casserole or anything topped with marshmallows. The casserole gets shoved around on everyone's plate until it eventually gets fed to the cat and I'm trying to keep everything healthy (cheesecake counts! It's in the dairy food group!), so I'm roasting the sweet potatoes instead of doing the bit with honey, butter, maple syrup, marshmallows, etc.