*snuggles Book 3 of Avatar*
Unfortunately, my free trial of Photoshop has expired and I can't make the pretty pretty icons. This is sad, because I was watching The Headband again and I can't believe I forgot about Paranoid!Sokka. Show, you have totally re-energized my Sokka Love. Now that everything's all said and done, I've got to say that Iroh still pwns all, then it's Zuko and Sokka tying for second place with Aang rounding out the Top Three. I do believe I'm going to see every episode from Book 1 to The End now that I have all three sets.
I honestly think that I haven't squeed about any other fandom as much as I've squeed over this one. Well, maybe XII, but this is on a different level of love for me. Just...oh show.
Also bought Schoolhouse Rock, which STILL is made of absolute win. If I had a paint program, then I'd make even more icons (and to go back with the XII love, the Fireworks song would have created several "Basch Lives" newsboy ones)
Eharmony is a bust so far. Had more closed than actual conversations, and the ones that either I start talking to or they talk to me fizzle out right after seeing my Must Haves and Can't Stands. I don't think that they're too demanding, but whatever. *shrugs* I just wish I had realized that this probably isn't for me before I had bought six months of membership, but what the hell. Maybe I'll get lucky and I'll get in touch with a guy that will be interesting to talk to. Not really going all super serious and "OMG this is horrible! WOE!!!one!1" with this, I'm having more of an "I'm putting myself out here and it's not as scary as I thought it would be" attitude instead.
Office move is over, we're about 99% out of boxes. Walls are BARE, but I'm slowly decorating. Just bought a floor lamp and I've got two prints getting framed over at Hobby Lobby that should be ready some time next week. Also bought a fish tank, but no fish. The people at Petsmart told me to set up the tank first, then come back later after the water sits for a day or so. Going with a couple of goldfish.
Starting to think about NaNo, which is pretty much the norm for around this time of the year. Have decided to do a sequel to last year's, starring last year's main character's next door neighbor. She's a pretty independent fairy princess who's bummed that she doesn't have anyone living next to her any more now that her witchy best friend married the werewolf of her dreams and moved out. Other than that, she's pretty happy living by herself without having to worry about taking over the kingdom when her dad kicks the bucket, seeing that she has three older brothers ready to do just that. She spends her time doing whatever the hell she wants to do, which mostly involves sitting on her front porch with a cold drink and the latest paperback bestseller. There's some plot percolating around about her dad throwing a monkey wrench into her plans by informing her that someone is trying to kill her, and as King, he's decided to send a bodyguard to her place. Unfortunately, it's the jerk that she's hated ever since she was a kid that pulled her hair and threw frogs at her any chance he got. She hasn't seen him in years, which was fine by her, and the last time he saw her was when she was in her awkward phase a couple of hundred years ago that she thankfully grew out of.
And apparently, so did he, because he's gorgeous hot. Too damn bad that he's still a jerk.
And that's about as far as I've gotten so far. There will be a version of the folk tale of Tam Lin involved because it is one of my favorites, but this time told more from the Fairy Queen's point of view instead of Janet's. Main character is somewhat biased, seeing that the Fairy Queen the story is about happens to be her grandma, and she knows that the story didn't quite happen the way that everyone thinks that it did. Her grandma's excuse is "It was written by mortals, dear. What else did you expect? At least I met your grandfather, so some good did come out of the whole thing."