Spent the afternoon at Sara's mother's house playing with Rebecca. She's so cute! As of now, she has one and a half teeth and is gumming everything she can get close to her mouth, including my arm and my hair. She's such a happy baby, and even though it was time for her to take her nap and you could see her yawning, she didn't fuss much.
My shirt still smells like baby powder too. Awwwww. Baby!
LJ meme swiped from flist:
Livejournal Survey
Your LJ
What is your username?:
iceprincessd How did you get it?: ice princess deluxe wouldn't fit in the log-in space, so I shortened it. I'm way too lazy/unimaginative to think up something else besides what I've used for just about everything else online.
How long have you had an LJ?: four years. April 1, 2008 will make five.
Do you have other LJs?: Yep.
bossy_muses is my writing journal.
How often do you post?: Every so often. Sometimes I'll post more than once a day, then other times I'll go without posting for almost two or three weeks.
How often do you check your friends page?: every day. You guys are awesome! *hugs flist*
What do you talk about most on LJ?: random real life stuff and fandom related things
Have you ever posted more than 6 entries in one day?: nope, I think the most has been three.
Do you use livejournal overrides?: ? Buh?
Do you spell check your entries?: Nope.
How many icons do you have?: 46/47. Saving the last slot for my "The secret ingredient it love" Iroh + tea = OTP icon.
How many communities do you belong to?: 13
Favorite community?:
balthier_ashe because everybody is really fun over there.
Do you post regularly to communities, or just lurk?: both.
Moderate any communities?: nope
LJ Friends
How many LJ friends do you have?: 25
How many of them do you know in real life?: one or two, if you count snail mailing stuff to the other. I knew
Yezra way before either of us got LJs.
Ever met an LJ friend?: no :(
Which LJ friend do you most want to meet?: everybody!
Who has the best layout?: I don't know. I rarely go to anybody's personal journal, I just read off my flist.
Who has the best icons?:
pink_rapid makes fantastic ones, but I like
unanon's the best.
Favorite journal to read?: I don't know, I like everyone's.
Who should post more often?: *shrugs*
Do you comment on your friends entries?: I try, especially if they've commented on mine. I'm horrible at keeping up with stuff like that though.
Ever had a crush on someone on livejournal?: nope.
Have you ever kissed someone on your friends list?: nope.
And finally...
What do you like best about LJ?: meeting all sorts of different people.
What do you like least about LJ?: the sad lack of many icons. Gotta remember to pay for more when my subscription is up.
Do you ever go back and delete entries?: no, but if I go back and read them and realize that they're too whiny/mopey/whatever for anyone else to read, I stick them on private-lock.
How often do you use LJ cuts?: often.
Ever make private entries?: yep. Read two questions above.
Would you rather have a myspace, or an LJ?: LJ, though most of my RL friends have myspace.
Have you changed much from your earliest entry?: not really. I might not be as involved with certain fandoms as I used to be back in '03, but I don't think I've essentially changed much. There is a lack of bitching about boys that teeter-totter between relationship statuses now, but that's okay because they were jerks in the first place and have been replaced nowadays with talk of the CLG and the many "OMG I look like crap! Whyyyy? *flail*" grumblings whenever I see him out in public.
What is your favorite entry of the month?: I dunno.
Snagged from
Post one of my fandoms and the number of any of these questions (as many or few as you like) and I'll tell you the answer!
Fandoms (main): X-Men (comic), Final Fantasy X/-2, Final Fantasy XII, Avatar, Cowboy Bebop
Fandoms (on the very fringes of): Harry Potter, Inuyasha
Fandoms (that I like but seldom/never do anything fannish for): M*A*S*H, LotR, PotC
1. The first character I fell in love with:
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t:
4. The character I love that everyone else hates:
5. The character I would shag anytime:
6. The character I'd want to be like:
7. The character I'd slap:
8. A pairing that I love:
9. A pairing that I despise:
10. Favorite character:
11. What are my five favorite things about the fandom.
12. What are my five least favorite things about the fandom.
13. Who are my five favorite characters.
14. Who are my five least favorite characters.
15. What are my five favorite pairings.
16. What are my five least favorite pairings.
17. Which character are you most like.
18. What is my deep, dark fandom secret.
And last but not least, grabbed from
Step 1: Put your MP3 player or whatever on random.
Step 2: Post the first line(s) from the first 20 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing the song.
Step 3: Post and let everyone you know guess what song and artist the lines come from.
Step 4: Strike out the songs when someone guesses correctly (No lyric hunting! That is cheating!)
Edit: Fixed the lyrics to #'s 4 and 16 because they were kinda obscure.
1. Where you are that's where I wanna be
2. Blow ill wind, blow away
3. Call you up in the middle of the night
4. Is it too much to ask I want a comfortable bed that won't hurt my back
5. When I was young I knew everything
6. Hello again seem like forever between now and then
7. My sister got lucky, married a yuppie
8. I come home in the morning light
9. When I wake up, yeah I know I'm gonna be
10. Heading up to San Francisco for the Labor Day Weekend show
11. I was tryin' to find my way home
12. Ecstasy is all you need
13. I've lost my mind on what I'd find
14. If shame had a face I think it would kinda look like mine
15. I read it all and I still don't understand a thing
16. The world was on fire and no one can save me but you
17. So you think you can tell heaven from hell
18. On the floor of Tokyo
19. Just take those old records off the shelf
20. Say my love I came to you with best intentions