"How can u be going over documents, if they're in ur briefcase? Gee...thats a mystery"

Apr 13, 2005 14:05

Soo, yea, school sucks, got an 88 on my Psych test tho woohoo!! and Morgan got a B too so shes not withdrawing!! That makes me happy.  I've come to the conclusion that I only go to math class for one reason...if u know ME then u know y lol.  No school Friday or Monday! Spring recess...no school Wednesday...Academic Festival!  DIA test tomorrow =( boo.  Oh well, Im ready.  This summer is gonna suck...well for a month at least.  Monday-Thursday 8am-10:15am I will be here for BIO! YAY!! cuz it wouldnt fit in my schedule this semester.  But thats ok cuz then I'm goin to AnTiGuA with Suge =) Cant wait.  Me...Suge...an island...and the sunnn.....o an atiguan men hehe...I think we're goin out Saturday nite but im not too sure yet haha.

†.[The Basics].†
What's your first and middle name?: Kristina Isabelle
What are your nicknames?: Kris, Krissy, Stina, Troll (thanks Cj), littlegirl, baby, etc…
When's your birthday?: October 1, 1986
What's your sign?: Libra
What's your nationality?: Italian & Hispanic
How old are you: 18
How old do you act?: heh…my age, like a lil kid, whatever I feel like at the time
What gender are you?: ChiCa
Righty, lefty, or ambidextrous?: righty…although Maia and myself spent an entire DIA class writing with our left hands
What school do you go to?: Daemen College
What grade are you in?: freshman
What are all your classes?: Spanish, Intro to Psychology, Democracy in America, Democracy in the World, and Pre-Calc
Do you get good grades?: yep
Do you TRY to get good grades?: yes

†.[Your Appearance].†
What's your natural hair color?: brown
How tall are you?: 5’1” hehe
What color is your skin?: caucasian
Do you wear glasses?: at nite
How about contacts?: during the day
Any tattoo's?: not yet
Or braces?: been there done that
Describe the clothes you're wearing right now: jeans & a yellow Abercrombie shirt
Wearing any jewelry?: ring, necklaces, 4 earrings and my belly ring
Is there any piece of jewelry you almost always wear?: class note question above

What's your favorite color(s)?: yellow pink black blue
What's your favorite band(s)?: Hanson & Nsync (lol Katie) umm I like everything except classical n jazz
What's your favorite weather(s)?: HOTT!!!!
What's your favorite video game(s)? Super Mario lol

What's your favorite element(s)?: Platinum
What's your favorite CD cover(s)?: Confessions
What's your favorite stuffed animal(s)?: all of them

What's your favorite music album(s)?: all of em =)
What's your favorite subject(s): la clase de español

What's your favorite cartoon(s)?: Powerpuff girls & Fairly Odd Parents
What's your favorite sound(s)?: when my Spanish teacher speaks lol and when others speak in spanish, and when usher sings
What's your favorite emotion(s)?: FlIrTy
What's your favorite soda(s)?: my favorite POP is rootbeer
What's your favorite food(s)?: anything grandma makes, and mashed potatoes
What's your favorite time(s) of the day?: 3:50 on Tuesdays and Thursdays…woohoo done with math!
What's your favorite movie(s)?: The Pacifier, Rush Hour/2 anything I watch at Josh’s or Cj’s…and anything DISNEY!
What's your favorite quotes: “I’m not opinionated im just always right” “I’d slap u but shit splatters” “U ass” “shut up” and “haha”

What’s your favorite coin(s)?: dollar coins
What's your favorite dollar bill(s)?: 100’s…if u ever wanna get rid of any…ill take them
What's your favorite restaurant(s)?: Tully’s
What's your favorite type(s) of transportation?: the porsche
What's your favorite number(s)?: 2, 81, 4 & 5
What's your favorite letter(s) of the alphabet?: K, L, Z, & X
Who's your favorite Disney character?: Tinkerbell =)
Who's your favorite video game character?: Mario

What's your favorite anime series?: don’t watch it
What's your favorite song?: Private Emotions lol Kate

†.[Preferences In A Lover].†
Do you have a crush on someone at the moment?: yes
Preferred eye color?: brown or blue
Preferred height? [Shorter, taller, same height.]: Taller, but that’s not very hard to accomplish =)
Preferred personality?: outgoing, spontaneous, caring, sweet
Preferred hair style?: short, but if its gonna be long I have an issue with guys that have longer hair than mine
Preferred hair color: depends on the guy
What race do you prefer?: whatever looks good lol
Do you have any fetishes?: no
Are you heterosexual, bisexual, or homosexual?: heterosexual…I love men

Do you have a lot of friends?: yup
Which of your friends have you known the longest?: Katieeee
Have you ever fell in love with one of your friends?: yes
Did it screw your friendship up afterwards?: yepp, horribly

Which of your friends have the best smile?: Jerry
Who's your smartest friend?: book smarts or street smarts?
Which one of them smells the best?: Josh
Which one has the best musical taste?: Katie
Which one of your friends is the biggest flirt?: Michelle J

Which one of your friends is in the best relationship?: Jessica lol shes married w/ kids
Which one of your friends have the best eyes?: hmmm a lot of them
Which one of your friends have the best personality?: I wouldn’t be their friend if I didn’t like their personality silly!!
Which one of your friends have the best looks?: my friends are all beautiful!!
Who is the coolest guy friend you have?: Josh, Cj, Jerry
Who is the coolest girl friend you have?: Katie
Who has the best singing voice?: lol
Who is most likely to end up in jail?: JOSH!!! HAHA!! For obvious reasons
Who is the most likely to win Jeopardy!: Katie
Who is most likely to end up successful in life?: all of us
Who has the best hair?: Gina (she DID win in HS)
Who has the best clothing style?: all of them
is the best athlete?: Katie Gibas
Who is the most artistic?: Jerry
who's your newest friend?: Cj
who's your most socialble friend?: all of uussss
Who's your shyest friend?: used to be Katie but that obviously changed lol
Who's your most hyper friend?: ummm
Who's your craziest friend?: all of them! We’re all nuts
Who's your sweetest friend?: Mae
Who's your funniest friend?: the ones I live with
Who's your wierdest friend?: Jesse
Who’s your oldest friend?: like age wise? Jessica’s husband Chris lol
Who’s your youngest friend: Austyn lol…gotta love the 2 yr olds
Who’s the most musical?: I dunno
Do you ever get mad at your friends?: Yea
Have one of your friends ever broken your heart?: yepp
Which one of your friends do you look like the most?: Morgan lol, every day we get asked if we’re sisters
Which one of your friends do you act like the most?: Hmmm…I dunno…u tell me

†.[Have You Ever..].†
Done drugs?: yes
Been drunk?: I’d rather not talk about it
Been in a car accident?: stupid bitch who doesn’t know how to use her brakes at a red light and go BETWEEN Katies cavalier and a buick…whore
Went sky diving?: Sky Coaster in San Antonio & Darien Lake
Did something could've gotten you arrested for?: lol…one word…Friday’s
Cried over somebody?: sure thing buddy
Skinny dipped?: yepp
Flashed someone?: yes
Slept in the same bed as someone of the opposite sex?: yes
Gotten beat up?: yes
Beat someone up?: yes
Played strip poker?: strip darts lol
Stayed up all night?: yup
Stayed awake for 2+ days straight?: haha we all know how much I love to sleep
Went a day without eating?: yep, sometimes food is just…overrated lol
Kissed a stranger?: lol…yea
Killed an animal?: yea =(
On accident or on purpose?: accident…I ran over a raccoon… on the Robert Moses… goin 60…poor thing
Thought of commiting suicide?: yes
Thought of commiting murder?: *evil grin*
Been in a near death experience?: would almost going over the Falls on a jetski count? If so then yes
Obsessed over someone? yes
Been outside your home country?: Canada
Broke a promise?: yeah
Lied?: Ooh yeaa…it was a guy…bet u wish u knew =) Best lie ive ever told
Had surgery?: nope
Broken a bone?: all my fingersss…they don’t close all the way lol

†.[The Future].†
Do you plan to finish high school and go to college?: Daemen College entering class of 2004…biatchez
Do you plan to learn how to drive?: I know how to drive =)
Describe your future car.: in the future I wont have a car, I’ll have a truck or an SUV
Do you plan to get your own home?: yes
Describe your future home.: BIG, and not in NYS

Do you plan to have children?: Yes
How many?: even amount
Girls or boys?: both
Names?: Girls-Bianka, Candra, or Riely, Boys-Lucas, Christopher, or Tony
Who's going to be the other parent? My husband…duh
What's your desired career?: Physical Therapist *for the Yankees but that’s a longshot =)*
Why? I’ve never wanted to be anything else and I love the Yankees
How do you want to die?: Happy
Who are some people you want to come to your funeral?: wouldn’t a better question be who do u want to NOT come to ur funeral?
What song do you want to play at your funeral?: On Eagle’s Wings
Describe your funeral.: beautiful
Who do you want to marry in the future?: the man I’m in love with
What song do you want to be played at your at your wedding?: Tough Little Boys or Butterfly Kisses for me n my daddy and I dunno yet for me n my hubby
Describe your wedding.: The highlight of the year =) Very cool =)

†.[The Miscellaneous].†
If you could, what color would you dye your hair?: BLACK…maybe with some red next time
If you could, would you change your nationality?: never
What weather would live the rest of your life in if you had to choose?: Nothing below 65 degrees
If you could, would you change your eye color?: maybe colored contacts to switch it up but I love my dark eyes
If you had to choose, what color in the crayon box would you be?: carnation pink
What household item would you be?: phone =)
What piece of jewelry would you be?: Diamond ring with a platinum band =)
What weather would you be?: HOT
What month would you be?: July
What kind of tree would you be?: Apple Tree =)
What actress would you be?: Michelle Rodriguez…shes wicked
What historical figure would you be?: ummm….
What word would you be?: crazy
Where would you live besides where you do now?: San Antonio
How old would you want to be besides your current age?: 4 months older…this way I can go to Canada…and that’s all I need
If you could meet ANYONE in the whole wide world, who would it be?: the Yankees
Which Hello Kitty character would you be?: umm?
If you could change your gender, would you?: no…whats so great about having a penis?

†.[This or That?].†
Yuri or yaoi?: Ying or Yang?
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera?: Christina
Coke or Pepsi?: PePsI
Tea or Coffee?: Caramel Frappuccino
Love or lust?: Love…lust is cool tho
Cold or hot?: hot
Up or down?: Both
Left or right?: middle
Full name or nickname?: am I in trouble?
Public school or private school?: both
Numbers or letters?: letters
Touch or taste?: taste
Ice Cream or yogurt?: Ice Cream!
Phone or AIM?: who am I talking to?

MSN or AIM? Or ICQ?: Aim
Snail mail or e-mail?: email
Natural or artificial?: for what? Artificial nails
Drawing by hand or CG?: by hand
Megaman or Astroboy?: megaman
Pokemon or Digimon?: neither
DDR @ home [with dance pad] or DDR @ an arcade: HOME!!
Cats or dogs?: lizzards
Hand or feet?: HANDS!
Lowcut or ankle socks?: low cut
BoA or Ayumi Hamasaki?: Beach
One piece or two piece? [swim suits]: 2…more tan
Markers or color pencils?: crayons =)
Math or science?: math
French or spanish?: Español

Good Charlotte or Blink-182?: Good Charlotte
Black or white?: OREO!!!

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