I did not know Peggy Olson femslash was a thing I needed, but after 4.04, it really, really is. I hope she sees Joyce again and they get. it. on.
(At least she's not seeing Duck anymore, even if her boyfriend is a complete non-entity. Dear god, where did that horrible decision come from?)
Anyway. The season three finale had all the business conniving and skullduggery I could have asked for! Even Lane Pryce acquitted himself well, woo! I loved it all.
Sad to see Sal go. :( He was one of my favorites at the office. Glad Kenny eventually came back into the fold, but it looks like Paul's gone forever? Alas. He was really fun. (I enjoyed Peggy getting high with him.) Peggy's art lackey and Wacky New Art Director just aren't the same.
Honestly, if I had not accidentally spoiled myself via the show's Wikipedia article that lists Betty's new last name, I would never have seen the Draper divorce coming. I figured they would be unhappily married until the kids grew up and then split. I do appreciate that it was over Don keeping his past from Betty rather than his infidelity, in part because she was rapidly losing a leg to stand on and in part because she'd forgiven him for it once, so it wouldn't have the same oomph if she hadn't this time. (Which is not to say that in RL I wouldn't have been urging her to kick him to the curb, but narratively it wouldn't have been as good.)
Did enjoy Henry's mother pointing out that the kids are terrified of Betty, and she is in general not a very good person. You may have intuited that I'm not Betty's biggest fan. I think that's kind of the point of her character.
But ugh, Don, dial down the leching. Especially of college students who are effectively your niece, Jesus.
Sally and Glenn's nascent friendship, or whatever it is, is intriguing, but I suspect it's going to bite Sally in the ass pretty soon. Glenn is still very creepy. I am still in love with Sally and hope she continues to annoy the shit out of her mother.
If Trudy and Peter's baby makes it to near-term and has absolutely nothing wrong with it, I will eat some assorted headgear. That situation is just asking for a miscarriage or stillbirth.
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