Skated today for the first time since Tuesday, and probably for the fifth time in a month given snow, ice, and medical issues. The session was only an hour and fifteen minutes, and I still had to sit down for five minutes in the middle. Uuuugh, anemia.
I told P that I had no jumps in me today, so we worked on moves and spins. The outside circle eight is now...slightly less horrific? Three turns got a bit better, although not perfect. Now the one on the right starts curling back on itself about a foot later than it used to. Baby steps.
I think I had a few more less-awful forward scratch spins this time. It seems to help to think, "I'm doing a sit spin!" because then I'll actually bend my knee enough to get vaguely stable for a moment. Of course, that trick won't work for real sit spins. But I suspect those are a distant dream anyway. ("The knees, they cannae take no more!") Back scratch is actually coming along. I definitely did some that were semi-centered and actually had a full revolution before I bailed.
At the end of the session, I did a couple Salchows and toe loops with the last of my energy. One of the ladies who has passed Bronze complimented me on the right forward inside three turn I use to get into the toe loop.
*HEART EYES* I struggled with that turn for over a year, and even now it doesn't go well if it's not leading me into a jump or something that will distract me from the turn itself. To have someone who doesn't know me at all say, "Hey, that looks good!" made. my. day.
You all need to watch
this video for "Shut Up and Dance with Me" that uses clips of various movie dancing scenes. It is very fun.
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