Because you have the misfortune of being my friends, you all get to hear the behind the scenes version of today's test.
Despite the fact that I have two pills left in the pack before I'm supposed to bleed, and the other fact that it just left less than three weeks ago despite being on the six-week BC plan, my period came during my freeskate test. It came suddenly. Noticeably. As in, I was doing the first round of spins and and felt a waterfall between my legs.
I felt something sliding down my thighs, quickly leading me to think, "OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT I'm bleeding so much it's already soaked through the just-in-case pantiliner, my underwear, my big thick skating tights, and my leotard, either that or I have wet myself, and there are a whole lot of people looking at me. Is there a subtle way to check if I have bright red bloodstains oozing down the insides of my legs while I'm in the middle of this test?"
No, in fact, there is not, so I hoped my skirt would cover the worst of it. Or at least I hoped that the judge for this test would see me hemorrhaging (if in fact it was visible) and pass me out of pity so I could get to the bathroom and clean myself up, or possibly visit the ER, because seriously. NIAGARA. FALLS.
Of course, the judge asked for a reskate of my one-foot spin. I gave a thought to explaining that I was bleeding copiously and might need to be transported to the hospital, but then I figured if he wasn't staring at me in horror, it probably wasn't as bad as I thought and I could manage another minute before dashing off to the bathroom.
In the end, the distraction may have served me well, because my spins are always better when I don't think too hard about them, and I definitely had other things on my mind at that point. So I did the spin, barely managed to wait for him to acknowledge me, and bolted to my bag for supplies and then to the bathroom.
The blood had, in fact, soaked through everything (in, I must remind you, LESS THAN FIVE. FUCKING. MINUTES.), but it all stayed in the, er, general area without wandering, and thankfully my leotard is black so it didn't show much. (Note to self: Only wear black bottoms on skating costumes until after hysterectomy.) Either I imagined the rest or it was just sweat caused by the adrenaline rush courtesy of my uterus. I just hope no one was looking at my crotch during the last spiral on that test, though, or they would've had an ugly surprise.
(It would serve them right, though. Pervs.)
This is going on the list of Reasons Why I Need To Just Have My Uterus Removed Already that I will give to my doctor next month. You know, along with "since I changed pills, my periods are now 3-4 weeks long," and "my pain is just as bad as when I was unmedicated," and "the flow is worse than ever." Fuck this noise. I am done with my reproductive tract.
On the other hand, once I tell her a somewhat-sanitized version of this tale, P will have a great story to inspire/scare students with. "One person hemorrhaged during her test and still managed to pass! You have no excuse for failure!"
(Well, if she were the kind of person who talked that way, anyway, and not the sweet, optimistic, bubbly creature she is. But it's still a great story.)
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