The China Beach Rewatch and Scene-Marking For Vidding Purposes Extravaganza continues apace! I must say, the first third of season three goes by faster when one speeds through any scene containing Smug Bernard and Stupid Vinnie and their smug, stupid faces, their smug, stupid plotlines, and their smug, stupid interactions with McMurphy.
Have I mentioned I hate them both? I feel that really needs to be emphasized.
(Love triangles are bad enough anyway, but they are excruciating when neither Choice A nor Choice B are a main character. At least with a normal Two Regulars and a Guest Star triangle, I'm usually rooting for the regular. This one, all I wanted was Choice C, both of them take very long walks off of extremely short piers into lakes filled with snakes and grenades. Also possibly sharks.)
(P.S. to all the people I've been trying to talk into watching this show: Smug Bernard and Stupid Vinnie actually do quite a bit to advance McMurphy's characterization, and there are essays to be written on how her handling of it reflects and is affected by the ongoing changes in feminism and gender relations at the time, but I have to admit, they are annoying to watch on all levels but the intellectual. That said, 80-90% of each of the 9 episodes they're in are actually good. The other characters still have great stories! Except for "Independence Day." You can totally skip that one. K.C.'s story is mildly interesting, and there's a fun scene with Holly and Hong, but mostly it's preachy and also a ripoff of Jane Eyre, which is about the least relevant novel they could've ripped off, I mean really, what were they thinking?)
The angst!fic also continues rapidly, now clocking in at 11,000 words and some change. My outline also keeps getting longer, which is not so pleasing. It's just a numbered list of scenes, and it started out at 15. Then it jumped to 23, then to 28, and now I'm up to 31. If I'm lucky, it'll stay there.
In other news, I leapt up to the next concentration of allergen serum with no issues today. So far, anyway. Woooo, immune system! Getting less crazy!
I also had a nice practice this morning. I skated two sessions, which I don't usually do on weekdays but this week I'm vacation, so I did. I ended up working on counters, brackets, and choctaws in the second half, which I rarely fit in around moves, jump, and spin practice. I think I might be 50% of the way to getting outside counters on one foot. Maybe. Having freshly sharpened blades helps a lot.
They announced the date for the Christmas show this week. It's the second Sunday in December again. I have been promised that the adult number will have very, very simple costumes this year to avoid a repeat of last year's debacle. I told a couple of the people in charge that I'm in favor of nice sweaters and black leggings. They seemed taken by the idea.
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