Flower photos

Apr 18, 2014 22:13

Last Friday, I went to Cheekwood to see the 100,000 tulips they have blooming. It was...a lot like going to the tulip festival outside Seattle, actually, but that's a good thing! They were purty!

Pictures, of course, follow. I mostly left my camera on "expressive" mode, which roughly translates to "technicolor." Believe it or not, those colors are more true to life than what normal mode was giving me. Everything was quite eyepopping.

Much as I prefer to keep my photos on my own server, I just don't have it in me right now to do the HTML required to upload and post 50+ photos. So, have some Flickr sets:


General spring pictures, some of which I've posted before, but I'm really proud of the pink dogwoods

This entry was originally posted at http://icepixie.dreamwidth.org/938097.html. It has
comments over there.


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