We learned a cool
Ina Bauer exercise at edges class today. Basically it was Ina Bauers in alternating directions, followed by a turn, all the way down the ice. I love spread eagles and Ina Bauers, so this was super cool for me.
It was probably the one thing I did halfway correctly in the whole class, frankly. You would not think edge moves are hard, and yet WOW, they really are. We went back to the alternating backwards crossovers thing, and while I've been doing okay with just the alternating crossovers, we added an intermediary glide-y thing between each one, not to mention arms, and suddenly my ability to tell right from left went straight to shit. I couldn't actually get myself together enough to remember which side I had just done, it was so bad. I suspect this means I wasn't doing the crossovers powerfully enough (bend the kneeeeeees), because if I were, it would be more obvious which direction I was curving, which would give me a hint which way I needed to go next.
In further sad news, scuttlebutt says that the rink will be closed from April through August while they do renovations and replace the temporary cooling system they've had since last summer when the real one broke.
SAD. FACE. Uuuuuuugh, just when I get into this, they're going to rip the rug out from under me for five months. There's a rink in Franklin, but it's way too far to drive except on Saturdays, and anyway it's going to be crowded with both the crew that usually skates down there (which includes the higher level people, or higher level for Nashville, anyway), and all the refugees from this rink. Metro is building a rink out at the old Hickory Hollow mall, but it's not going to be finished until fall, and anyway it's being billed as a "hockey center," which likely means little in the way of freestyle sessions.
I have a dim hope that they might keep one ice sheet open while they work on the other one and then alternate, but I suspect this is folly.
On the other hand, maybe I can accomplish something over the summer with the four hours of my week I'll get back. And maybe it will be good for my ankles, which still twinge a bit now and then. But. Sadface. :(
Rather than end this on such a depressing note, I'll end it by saying I came up with a nifty step sequence at practice this morning that involves crossovers, a mohawk, and a step-behind (I think that's what it's called...it's basically a back outside mohawk). I'm sure someone else has come up with it before, but I've never seen it done, so it's mine! I still haven't managed to put outside three turns in a sequence, but that will come. Maybe. Also, my forward pivots have suddenly become awesome. Woo.
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http://icepixie.dreamwidth.org/929249.html. It has
comments over there.