Centennial Park has a batch of ducklings!
"Children! Let us forage for lunch!"
"Keep going...keep going..."
"This is called pond scum. It's delicious. Try it!"
"Whoa! You were right, Mom, this is awesome!"
[break for cuteness]
[also for attractive reflections]
"Time to go. Get your last nibbles in."
Bye-bye, duckies.
"Yo. I am a hungry turtle and could use some bread. Fork it over."
"Check it OUT! I have an ENTIRE PIECE OF BREAD!"
"Which I am quickly going to demolish."
Looks kind of like s/he's about two seconds from cackling and rubbing its hands in glee, doesn't it?
Inside the little art gallery at the park. I liked the title, mostly, though the sculpture itself is nice too. In person, it looks more like it's lit from within.
Siberian dwarf iris, I think. Some kind of dwarf variety, anyway. Also purple verbena.
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http://icepixie.dreamwidth.org/853594.html. It has
comments over there.