celamity, have a hilarious webcomic:
Scandinavia and The World. Anthropomorphized countries with funny history lessons and satires of cultural stereotypes! Win!
This one is my favorite so far. :D
1. Do you like beer? If not, what's your preferred beverage?
Can't stand alcohol; no matter how many other things are put in there to hide it (believe me, I've tried), it always tastes like a hospital smells. My very favorite beverage is flavored lemonade, preferably cherry or strawberry. I like the ones restaurants make the best, but I can do a reasonable approximation at home with a carton of lemonade and some grenadine. However, my most commonly-ingested non-water beverage is probably either iced sweet tea or a diet cherry cola of some stripe.
2. What are some ways in which you are like Meg?
Oooh, good question. Maybe in that she seems to be very fond of planning her day/career/life and controlling things so that everything goes according to her plan, and so am I?
3. Have you ever shipped boyslash or do you only ship het and f/f?
I feel like at one point there was an m/m couple I shipped, but for the life of me I can't remember who it was. So I'll have to say no. I think I usually fixate on female characters, and I only ship those characters I'm really into, so my pairings always have at least one woman.
4. If you had the opportunity to have someone you love hang out with you post-death in Bob Fraser style, would you take it?
I think it would be upsetting for both of us, especially if the dead person believed in an afterlife he/she was missing out on. Probably I wouldn't take it.
5. Do you think you've met your soulmate?
I don't believe in the concept of soulmates (I'm kind of iffy on the concept of souls in general), so no. I've met some really close, excellent friends, but I think we click on a personality level.
1. What is your favorite movie with awesome dancing?
Definitely a Fred and Ginger movie; now I just have to choose which one. I think I still have to go with Roberta, because all my two favorite screen dances ever are in it. "Hard to Handle" looks so breezy and unrehearsed (even though I know it was painstakingly rehearsed), and "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" is just gorgeous. Both of them really reflect and enhance the characters Astaire and Rogers were playing, too.
2. What were your favorite and least favorite things about doing grad school in literature?
Favorite: Feeling like I was using my entire brain, and loving every minute of the thinking I got to do (even when I was torturing myself with a paper).
Least Favorite: Teaching. More accurately, the getting-up-in-front-of-a-classroom part, because I'm not a very improvisational person, and I would have a plan for how discussion would go that would just get shot to hell by the kids saying something unexpected and me having to run (badly) with it.
3. What's your favorite thing about living in Nashville?
You can grow lots of pretty flowers here!
4. Do you see yourself moving away from Tennessee, and, if you do, where would you want to live?
Oh, yes. I currently have my sights set on Chapel Hill, North Carolina, because lots of universities = lots of potential jobs of the kind I'm interested in, and it just seems like an interesting city.
5. What was the craziest thing a student tried to get away with in one of your classes?
This tag has some doozies. Craziest of them all in the "getting away with something" category, I think, is when a kid wanted to write a paper on The Time Machine without having read the book. I might add that this was an assignment where they could choose anything they wanted to write on, as long as it was vaguely relevant to science fiction. Arrrrgh.
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