Party like it's 1995

Mar 15, 2011 17:08

Awesome open source app that allows QuickTime to read basically any video format: Perian for Mac OS X. It essentially turns QT into VLC, then allows you to save whatever you need in QT format. Very useful for situations when, say, you have a bunch of AVIs and your video editing program only reads QT files. Not that I would know anything about this. *cough*


I watched You've Got Mail a couple days ago--what can I say, sometimes nostalgia strikes hard, and I do own the DVD--and you know, it's really amazing how much has changed in the twelve years since it came out. The main plot is about a big chain bookstore pushing a little indie shop out of business, and now the big chains are closing stores right and left while they struggle to keep their heads above water thanks to Amazon et al. Not to mention the technological advances; modems are certainly a throwback, as are AOL chatrooms. (What do people even use to chat with now? Is it still IM, or has Skype and the video equivalent thereof taken over? Or do people who used to chat just write on each others' Facebook pages instead? Cell phones? Hi, I'm a dinosaur.)

Speaking of the nineties, I was shopping for a pair of khaki pants last week, and for a brief moment, among the short, floral-pattern skirts and plaid shirts, I wondered if I'd time-traveled back to 1995. Apparently we're having a nineties revival. A little disturbing is that--seeing as we're still in the throes of eighties leggings and off-the-shoulder shirts--this will be the second revival I will have lived through where I have first-hand experience with the original. Thankfully, though, I have seen no sign of mom jeans returning. (I don't even care what they look like, I just remember them being very uncomfortable.)


I watched last week's Fringe, but found myself with nothing much to say on it. It was good! In a non-specific sort of way. Okay, I do have one thing: Not that William Bell's ghost, or whatever, taking over Olivia isn't super cool, feels like we just got her back, and now she's gone again. *pout* I do think the development is awesome, but I had to get that out there.

Also, YAY PETER for being honest!

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life, useful things, tv: fringe, movies

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