Things I Never Expected Would Happen, 2,594: The first B5 vid I start is...a Talia vid. Er. Well, it's
an evil!Talia vid, to be more specific (current summary is "the alternate personality has a few things to say"), which makes a big difference. Anyway, I fiddled with an audio editing program to make the song a reasonable length (it was nearly five minutes; I've whittled it down to 2:30 or so), and now I have about 45 seconds of footage on the timeline, and I think it works pretty well so far.
It should be much easier to make than the general B5 vid I've got in the works, seeing as Talia isn't around very much. (Hell, I can't even really start that other vid until I rewatch S3 and S4 and figure out what I want to use from those episodes. Then I have to rip parts of all the many, many, many episodes I want footage from, which will take AGES. The things I do for my art...)
I'm also making desultory progress on my screwball comedy vid. I need to just sit down and pick six or eight movies to work with, rather than trying to include everything ever, because it's getting out of hand. That, and I need to go back into my spreadsheet and plan it more thoroughly. Hmm...
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