This book looks so incredibly, delightfully awful that I had to order a $1.99 used copy last night. It's a murder mystery starring Fred and Ginger, who go to Russia ostensibly to star in a touring production about Rasputin and Empress Alexandra, but are really acting as spies for the CIA.
If there's interest, I would totally be willing to MST3K this puppy in here over winter break.
Done with the grading! Well, almost. I have to go through their rough drafts and make sure everyone at least made token efforts at peer review, but the actual reading of the papers is done. Thesis-wise, all I have left to do is a final proofing run tonight. The end of the semester is so close I can taste it.
And once that's done, I can start cleaning, because my apartment looks like a paper factory exploded. Gah.