Ugh. You have no idea how much I want to just say, "Thursday and Friday are October break. No one wants to be in class on Wednesday. Let's just cancel it," in order to avoid preparing for Wednesday's class. (It's not on a particularly challenging topic; I just don't wanna.) Of course, then I really would have no excuse not to grade the stack of papers sitting on my table. I got one section done this weekend, and I managed to power through their homework during my office hours, but I still have the contextual analyses from the other section to get through.
I finished my to-do list early on Sunday, and ended up taking a four-mile walk on one of
Knoxville's greenways, which I'd heard of but never tried before. The one I was on was pretty awesome--it runs right by a railroad track, so I got to see two trains going by in addition to pretty trees and plants. I also ran across a shopping center I didn't know existed near me--I guess because it's hard to get to by car. It has two dollar stores, though, and a Subway. I should investigate more some day.
Then I came home and watched several episodes of Northern Exposure, because really, what better way to while away free time? Ah, Cicely. I wish you existed so I could live there.
That kind of free day usually leaves me ready to get back to work, but not so much this time. Bleh.
I worked on my daily schedule for 102 this weekend, and sadly, I'm going to have to dump The Sparrow from the reading list. It's just too long to fit comfortably into the course as-is; there is, technically, enough room for it at a not-horribly-brutal pace (for freshmen, anyway), but I also have teaching-of-writing goals that need to be accomplished, and some essays we need to read in that space in order for them to do their third paper.
I'm substituting The Forever War in its place, as I read it basically in one sitting Saturday after frying my brain grading, and thought it was most excellent. And I can do it in two weeks instead of the three-plus-spring break Sparrow would take. That, the aforementioned essays, and assorted short stories and TV episodes should do the trick. (I would really like to use Le Guin's "Paradises Lost," but that's ninety pages--the length itself is not a problem, but scanning in that many pages would take a long time, and I'm not sure how willing I am to put in the effort.)
Anyone got Warehouse 13 fic recs? I can't believe I'm asking that, as I only managed to watch the first three episodes before giving up, and then this evening while I was eating dinner I tried to watch the season finale, and got through about two-thirds before I realized it was actually making me want to prep for my classes rather than continue. But I'm in the mood for lighthearted banter, and I've read all the good Castle fics. In fact, I think I've read all the good bantery fics out there in all my fandoms. (Note to self: find more fandoms where the canon isn't a decade old.)
Now I really have no excuse not to be working. *mopes*