I thought it would be better than last week. It wasn't.
I was looking forward to at least the whole "I could save the world but lose you" bit, but the effect was ruined because the Earth was under dubious threat from FARTING ALIENS. And just before, Rose and Harriet had DISCUSSED THE EXACT SMELL OF THE FARTS. IN DETAIL.
How can the man responsible for "Bad Wolf," which is one my three favorite episodes of the season, have written this? *sigh*
(Also, is it Britspeak to say you'll vote for your prime minister? 'Cause they kind of aren't elected by the people, if I understand my British parliamentary structure correctly.)
I was actually kind of glad to see that it was ten o'clock. That's REALLY SAD. (If it had just been helium, I think I could've handled it better, as I could at least have rationalized it as an homage to Farscape...)