Don't fuck with me. I was a missinary.

Nov 10, 2009 21:23

To the Einsteins customer that brought to our attention just how overpriced our coffee truly is. I want to start by saying thank you. It's true, it is rather expensive. As to the rest of your note, I have found a few discrepancies.

Let's start with the word "perpetuate"; "to make perpetual or cause to last indefinitely". I just want to mention here that there is a door and you are welcome to leave at any time so there is really no way to cause our "verbage" (which isn't even a word I might add) to last indefinitely. Although I do like the phrase "homosexual verbage" I'm going to start using it, so there's another thank you.

Moving along, "proven fact" I need references.

"Here's one for you"

"'the birds and the bees' generally meant only one thing-sex between a male and female. But, actually, some same-sex birds do do it. So do beetles, sheep, fruit bats, dolphins, and orangutans. Zoologists are discovering that homosexual and bisexual activity is not unknown within the animal kingdom."

"'Homosexuality has been observed in more than 1,500 species, and the phenomenon has been well described for 500 of them,' said Petter Bockman, project coordinator of the exhibition."

"Mann said. 'There are different theories about why people find it threatening. Some think it disrupts male bonds, like you're not playing for the right team. The funny thing is that people say homosexuality is unnatural, that non-humans don't engage in homosexual behavior, but that's not true. Then they'll say it's base and animalistic.'"

"Considered the closest living relative to humans, bonobos are not shy about seeking sexual pleasure. Nearly all of these peace-loving apes are bisexual and often resolve conflict by the "make love, not war" principle. They copulate frequently, scream out in delight while doing so, and often engage in homosexual activities." (I couldn't resist this one)

"So, when one pair of heterosexual Humboldt’s penguins adamantly refused to incubate their egg the keepers turned in despair to Z and Vielpunkt, two gay males in a relationship and with an obvious hankering for adoption. The egg has now successfully hatched and the pair is looking after the chick as if it were their own. Oblivious to the raging debate around gay humans and adoption they seem to be doing a very good job so far. Gay (or homosexual if you prefer the technical term) behavior in the animal kingdom is more common than many think or choose to believe."

Ok, so it was five, I'm sorry. Although two came from the same website, so we could really group those into one and say "Here's four for you."

Moving right along; well, I just re-read your next statement and it makes no sense. I mean really, the very text is just wrong. You're complaining about how we are talking about homosexuality and how it exists in humans, and yet your next statement is that only dogs "will lay down the same sex." It's true that they are on the list of animals that will lay down with the same sex, but so are about 500 others that have been well documented.
A few include:
01. Baboon
02. Barn owl
03. Bear (including black, grizzly, koala, and polar)
04. Bighorn sheep
05. Bonobo (a primate)
06. Brown rat
07. Caribou
08. Cat (domestic)
09. Cheetah
10. Chicken
11. Chimpanzee
12. Cockroach
13. Deer (several types)
14. Desert tortoise
15. Dog (domestic)
16. Dolphin (several types)
17. Dragonfly
18. Duck (several types)
19. Elephant (African and Asiatic)
20. Emu 21. Flamingo
22. Gazelle 2
3. Giraffe
24. Goat
25. Gorilla
26. Gray squirrel
27. Guinea pig
28. Hamster
29. Herring gull
30. Horse
31. Housefly
32. Hummingbird (several types)
33. Indian rhinoceros
34. Lion
35. Lizard
36. Mallard duck
37. Monarch butterfly
38. Moose
39. Mountain zebra
40. Octopus
41. Orangutan
42. Ostrich
43. Penguin (several types)
44. Pig
45. Porcupine
46. Rabbit
47. Raccoon
48. Rattlesnake
49. Raven
50. Salmon
51. Sand shark
52. Sea otter
53. Seagull
54. Sheep
55. Swan (several types)
56. Tasmanian devil
57. Turkey
58. Vampire bat
59. Walrus
60. Warthog
61. Water buffalo
62. Whale (several types)
63. Wolf

Alright, I'm bored. I didn't even get to any insects, but they're there too.

Let's see, "have sex in public", well, yes I've done that, but then so have a lot of straight people. We're generally seen as deviants, but it has nothing to do with orientation, or dog like nature. It has to do with the thrill of getting caught because you're with in 20 feet of a Williamson County sheriffs "cop shop" as we called them. But, as to the rest of this sentence, you'll have to explain yourself, what does, "and are only out to get a nut' mean? You mean, they are only out to ejaculate/cum. Really, if I had to think about what most people on the planet are doing when they have sex is to orgasm, but science, here at our very own University of Texas says otherwise.

Well, your next... um, sentence(?) is just ridiculous. You have bad punctuation and grammar. Also, logic, as described by philosophers dating back to Socrates, who was around about 400 years before Jesus, says you're wrong. While our coffee is a bit overpriced, I really don't think it's overrated. You're thinking of Starbucks across the street.

Oh and for those who want to know what Deuteronomy 6:4 says; "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one!" I don't understand why that was quoted at us, but whatever.

Here's one for you:

God gets jealous
(Exodus 20:4-5, "You shall not make for yourself a carved image-any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me,")
God loves me (or the whole wide world)
(you know which it is... John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.")
Love is a lot of things
(1 Corinthians 13:4-7, "Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy (also known as jealous); love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.")

So are we to assume that the Old Testament God and the New Testament God are, well, different? If so, it makes this so much easier. God is love, right, and we know what love is now, right? I don't know, maybe you're not a "Christian", in which case I'm even more confused. Either way it doesn't matter. We don't ask anything of you, please do not judge us (John 3:17). Thank you.

Terra Byrne
I do sign!

The note:
Staff of Einsteins
You perpetuate your homosexual verbage so early in my morning.
Here's one for you
its is a proven fact that dogs are the only animal that will lay down with the same sex.
And they have sex in public and are only out to get a nut.
Homosexual would be in the same category. as the animal called dog. There put that in your
highly overrated and
overpriced coffee.
Deut. 6:4
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