Aug 02, 2006 03:53
It hasn't yet sunk in that I am, in fact, living in Port Lincoln permanently.
Perhaps sending in the first of the rent checks will serve as something concrete to base my feelings off of.
Trent, Jon and Nate are glad to have me, as I am glad to be living with them, in this house, so close to campus.
Can't rightly say the same for the rest of my roommates.
Of the arachnid persuasion, that is.
Their numbers are as vast as they are hidden; as such, extermination is out of the question and grudging cohabitation is the rule. I've already resigned myself to thoroughly inspecting and shaking out each of my garments from the closet before putting them on.
Several skirmishes with my many-legged foes have already transpired; an invading force was decisively repelled when I brought in the heavy seige equipment (Trent's vacuum cleaner). I then took the fight to their staging ground, the downstairs bathroom. Victory was swift, and mine.
Ah... victory. So fleeting.
I have won the day for now, but I know - oh how I know - that there will be future battles. I have seen their lair, their home, their breeding grounds, beyond a door to a place that was not a room - an un-room, if you will - a space between walls that was vast, and... ALIVE. It lay beyond a door in that bathroom, a void of festering darkness of which I had only a fleeting glimpse before I shut the door again in horror.
My human roomies have their own problems to deal with; an elite squadron of wasps has taken to raiding the porch, the favorite smoking grounds of Trent and Jon. Several battles have transpired there as well, with far less desirable results; two enemy soldiers wounded (and VERY pissed off, causing a swift tactical retreat) are all that can be confirmed. A bottle of Raid was purchased, and their home base poisoned; time will tell how effective a ploy that was. The nest could have been a decoy...
If they return, however, they will face our ultimate weapon.
Did you know that Raid is flammable? It's such a forcible stream from the can that it generates a flame about eight feet long.
Oh yes - flaming poison of DOOM. Take THAT, winged soldiers from HELL. Thou shalt be CRISPIFIED.
Furniture in my room is arranged to taste; now I just have to unpack all my boxes (it must be done tomorrow, as one of them contains my checkbook - necessary to write out the abovesaid rent check).
Good times.
Anthrax ("Madhouse"), Stone Temple Pilots ("Trippin' On A Hole In A Paper Heart"), and Motley Crue ("Shout At The Devil").
w00t! Anthrax!