Nov 13, 2005 13:34
As Jenny already said, Alex brought up a very good question:
"Obviously Ashley has said what she thinks. What about all of you who are silent? What does that say for you?"
I suppose I should weigh in. If you don't want my opinion, stop reading.
First off, it makes me sad that it's come to this.
Secondly, I see the validity of both Matt and Ashley/Jenny's remarks. Yes, it's a two-way street. Yes, we're all quite busy.
But here's a thought: who, out of the members of the tribe, has visited Matt at his new place? I could be wrong (I hope I'm wrong), but to my knowledge, I'm the only one. And I live 100 miles away, working 65 hours a week. Don't tell me it's too hard to make time; time can be made. Granted, it's VERY difficult to line up schedules and whatnot, but it can be done.
Also, yeah, it's not entirely fair to call up the lady-folks at 10 pm wanting to go party; as busy as we all are, a little advanced warning goes a long way. And it doesn't always have to be a party; hell, whatever happened to just piling onto the couches on some random quiet evening and simply watching a movie, then talking late into the night? Is that not also cool?
Two ways. I see a lot of fingers being pointed, and I think that, at least, needs to stop.
In my brutally honest opinion, we were a tribe, once. But it'll take a very large, concerted effort - from everyone - to unite under one banner once again. The days of us all congregating in one place on a semi-daily basis to enjoy one-another's company are over, simply because none of us has the time anymore. Or too few of us do.
We're all still friends, and I'd like to think that everyone can still see THAT.
For my part:
Matt, Austin, there will yet be more sit-on-the-street-eating-D'Leon's-at-2-AM nights, perhaps still as bitter and cynical, perhaps not so much. But it shall happen again.
Alex, I look forward to the next crusade for the cause of RPG geekery, and perhaps more partying (though I'm gonna have to insist that you don't kiss me again). Long shall be our arguments about the merits of D&D vs, say, Exalted.
Austin-san, Mike-san: we shall continue soldiering forth in full Browncoat regalia, and the l33tn3ss of Megatokyo shall be dissected 4-3\/3|2.
Miranda, I SHALL come see you in Omaha some weekend; it shall be awesome, provided I don't get lost...
Ashley, Jenny, Gabby, you know you're never getting rid of me.
Jeff, I'll be damned if you move to LA before I see you again... Keep me posted, I'll make time if I have to...
We can all remain friends... And it would be nice if we all united as a tribe once more...
But I can't be the only one who shares that vision.
Namarie, mellen nin.
(Oh, yeah, Austin... Gotta get it back to you... It's right here on my desk. Sorry, dude.)