May 31, 2005 19:44
Ok so i have been reading everyone elses live journals and decided that i was really cool so i should have one too. its may 31, getting pumped for the camping trip on thursday. i hope there will be pictures to follow, but oh yeah wait nope, i dont have a digital camera. college transition meeting thing tomorrow with yummy chinese food. go knights. also am getting my eyebrows waxed tom, do i tell you this? too much? not sure. im rocking out to armor for sleep. i recommend it to anyone who wishes to rock out slash almost slit their wrists when they have been through a breakup or are just feeling like shit. go i am really sore from lifting slash running the past couple days. who knew that jumping rope was so strenuous. jesus. so this is what cait thinks of my live journal:
icenon25: um so i think i might start up a live journal
CaiTLiN2887: ok because then you would go from ultra cool to ultimate cool. yeah THATS right. fuckers.
annnnd im going to look so hot for prom so watch out, keep your boyfriends near.
ok so ill talk to you all later then.
and my mood is actually sarcastic, but they dont have that option.