Jun 07, 2005 01:50
sooooooooooo tnight was the prom and i ha soo much fun yay. the music was really good, the food was really good, and i invented a new genre of music that will be taking overthe airwaves very soon.
its called "pop reggae", and such examples are 'turn me on' by kevin lyttle, and that new song that has 'dale' in it. jess lifer, dont no how to spell that at all, all i have to say is tht i am a fan. she is some cool shit.
side note, did anyone notice anything interesting about our 'class meeting rap artist' at prom?
obviously i loooked extremely hot.
umm ohhh yes, my grade officially sucks. no one had an after party. honestly that is so lame, who doesnt have an after party at prom? and who doesnt do a senior prank? and who doesnt have a party on senior skip day? nor when we started senior project, or finished itfor that matter? oh yeah that is the graduating class of 2005. go fucking kngihts o that one.
ok question to pose. i am taking a poll
how do we feel about drinking alone? do we think its pathetic and sad or is it an unwinding mechanism? is it ok to drink by yourself? what do we think?