Sep 21, 2005 20:45
Yes yes, inspired (or reminded rather ..) by Cliff's putting his livejournal, I decided that it'd be a fun thing to do the same, and give my lj a good facelift. God that theme, spiderman background, and 24 icon were ancient to me. For those of you who keep up with my life just through this livejournal (which means I don't know you) here's a list of things that kinda happened the end of the school year and this summer. Ok, here it goes.
- Actually we kept the new dog Milo's name Travis. We figured he's already used to Travis, why go change the name on the poor thing? Also we already had a dog named Milo, and he's not dead, so why give the name of a dog we once had that hasn't died to another dog?
- Went to two proms this year, mine and my date's. Quite an interesting experience, but I got this incredibly awesome tux. Never before had I loved being in a suit more.
- Graduated from PHS at Strathmore Music Hall in Rockville. Mom, Dad, Roxy, Grandma, Audra, Cliff, Aaron, and Chris were there.
- Went to Beach Week in Ocean City, MD for a week the day after Graduation, had a hell of a time. One of the most care free times of my life, and I'm not carefree at all!
- Had a summer job with Chris and worked pretty much all of summer, made good money.
- Went to Bethany Beach with Aaron's family for about 4 days. Cliff joined us later.
- Went to California for a week with the family, had a blast.
- Tried out surfing for the first time in San Diego and loved every minute of it.
- Handed over the keys of the Malibu, and got the Escape.
- By pure "misfortune" we ended up getting a third dog, another bichon puppy that we named Kody. If you want to know how this happened, ask me.
- Moved into UMBC, currently attending classes and having a great time.
So yeah, my current location is UMBC right now, and it's been awesome so far. Met some pretty cool people, and I've gotten my week into a good routine. Basically go to class, work out, eat dinner, hang out, and study all constitute what my days are like. It's pretty nice, although at this time I'm pretty much going home every weekend. I can foresee that becoming less and less, as I'll want to hang out more, explore Baltimore, maybe even "Oh god forbid" party alittle bit. Who knows how my life'll change in this upcoming year, anything could happen. But I'm feeling good right now, so I'm prepared for anything I can think of. So as I always say, Kim Out.