Writer's Block: Know Thyself

Sep 28, 2007 20:13

 I guess the favourite thing about myself is simultaneously the least favourite thing. I like that I'm implusive and say what on my mind. I break the ice that way when I meet new people. I talk at the speed of light and blurt out everything I want people to hear. So then at the same time, I'm thinking too fast and saying things too quickly before I've had that second-rerun process of thinking before I speak. In my defense, people enjoy the fact that things are less awkward after I babble. No one's complained about me so far, but I feel like such an idiot sometimes. From afar, I must look ridiculously immature. My voice is rather high, too, so that doesn't help my case much. I couldn't come up with anything else relevent to this question, but I bet a lot of other people on my flist can say a bit about me. I don't mind. Go ahead. Back yourself up, though, or I might impulsively blow up in your fac---LJ. -End Writer's Block Answer-

Lottery commercial says: 1 in 160,000 women probably didn't want an honest opinion.

I met someone. I don't know where it's going and, to some degree, it's scaring me because I never take these things too seriously. (If I did, I'd be dead.) I'm admitting I'm terrified of commitment. I think myself fickle and flighty. I probably am, but I've never been put in enough situations to prove that right.

I'm really behind in readings. I'm avoiding LonCapa by blogging. I'm missing the TAWG concert tonight for fucking Chem homework. =(

This entry was more for me and just me talking to myself. So, I guess, if you've gotten this far, I'll tell you something interesting I learned last week that I got wrong in a quiz: Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) occurs during winter months and is associated with reduced exposure to sunlight. Vancourites are more susceptible to SAD since we get so much rain. It's otherwise known as Winter Depression. Besides getting a lot of vitamin D from the sun, we're more cheerful from sunlight exposure. The reverse of this is apparently Reversal Seasonal Affective Disorder. I guess people get extremely happy or something? I don't know. I only studied the depression part. lol. Have you gotten your sun lately?

writer's block, life

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